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At home worldwide: Aunty Molly and Aunty Pam retired

Featured this week are some recent retirements and ordinations, as well as an interdenominational information session in South Africa on World Aids Day. Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: Björn Renz Photo: Björn […]

December 11, 2015

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Spotlight 20: Joyful prospects

The Christmas spirit and the joyful anticipation that comes with it is something we all know. In the final article in our spotlight series this year—highlighting our 2015 motto—District Apostle Michael Deppner from the Democratic Republic of the Congo shows us the joys that Jesus Christ has in store for us. “Christmas is coming soon.” […]

December 8, 2015

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More than just consumers and spectators …

The first Christians supported the efforts and the mission of the Apostles by professing the gospel, by revealing their love, their joy, and their steadfastness, and by bringing their offerings. It is not any different today. Following are thoughts from Chief Apostle Schneider on how we can help along. Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada […]

December 7, 2015

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At home worldwide: Music, Christian dialogue, and an accident

The life of New Apostolic Christians around the globe is colourful. Following is a brief look at two concerts, a dialogue of religions, and a freak accident in Belgium … The Coro Italiano at the Christmas market in Stuttgart (Germany) Photo: NAK Süddeutschland The angklung orchestra of the NAC Indonesia at the concert of the […]

December 4, 2015

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Bella Italia: divine services in Rome and Milano

At the end of November, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visited the brothers and sisters in Italy and conducted two divine services in Rome and Milan. divine service in Rome Photo: Jessica Krämer divine service in Rome Photo: Jessica Krämer divine service in Rome Photo: Jessica Krämer divine service in Rome Photo: Jessica Krämer divine service […]

December 3, 2015

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Combatting AIDS through awareness and care

On 1 December, World AIDS Day reminds us that some 35 million people around the world are living with this disease. Approximately three million new infections are added every year. This is also a matter with which the New Apostolic Church is dealing — particularly in Africa. The so-called “AIDS Guideline” of the New Apostolic […]

December 1, 2015

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At home worldwide: close, yet far away

This week looks at a soup kitchen, the Chief Apostle’s recent trip to Cambodia, and a new church in Fiji. Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia […]

November 27, 2015

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A thousand kilometres for a choir practice

“The congregations are like remote islands,” Raúl Eduardo Montes de Oca, the responsible District Apostle of Brazil, says. Following is his report about the Chief Apostle’s recent visit to Brazil and the life of the congregations there. Photo: NAC Brasilia Photo: NAC Brasilia Photo: NAC Brasilia Photo: NAC Brasilia Great distances in Brazil Photo: INA […]

November 23, 2015

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A door opener for other denominations

This weekend the Chief Apostle is in Cambodia, a country in which the New Apostolic Church has played a pioneering role in a way. This is reported by the New Apostolic Church Canada, who works in Cambodia. Photo: NAC Cambodia Photo: NAC Cambodia Photo: NAC Cambodia Photo: NAC Cambodia Photo: NAC Cambodia Photo: NAC Cambodia […]

November 21, 2015

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A man who blazed new trails

“It can never be said that the Apostle was a coward. I risked everything to help in the quick movement and furtherance of the Church work.” These words were written by the Chief Apostle’s right hand: Apostle Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff. Fifty years ago today he passed away. Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC […]

November 20, 2015

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At home worldwide – An isolated country opens itself

Myanmar—for many years this extraordinary country was isolated from the rest of the world. Following the landslide victory of Aung Suu Kyi, many new possibilities have opened up for the country. Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar Photo: NAC Myanmar […]

November 19, 2015

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Learning to declare the works of God

“Who is the better New Apostolic?” It was a challenging question that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider raised on his recent visit to Uruguay. In essence, the divine service was about life and death. Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: […]

November 18, 2015

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“There is no room in the Lord’s house for hatred”

Lit tea-lights in the shape of a heart in Luxembourg, flowers and a “Pray for Paris” banner in Germany: the terror attacks last Friday in Paris have left people in shock, especially in Europe. But the District Apostles are also directing attention beyond Europe’s borders, to other parts of the world. Photo: Sylvianne Stegner Photo: […]

November 17, 2015