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Joining the World Council of Churches for the first time
"The love of Christ moves, reconciles, and unites the world"—so reads the motto of the current assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC). And for the first time, the New Apostolic Church is among the guests.
05 09 2022

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Good recipes for cliff-hangers
Christians are not only to talk—they are also supposed to act in Christian fashion. But how is this supposed to happen, particularly in a time when Christianity has been pushed to the margins in many places of the world? Here are some excerpts from the Sunday divine services of the New Apostolic Church in the month of September.
01 09 2022

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When children make a scene
Children in Ghana perform some theatre, a District Apostle celebrates six divine services in a single week in Argentina, and the members in the Philippines take delight at the visit of their District Apostle. Let’s take a trip around the world with the online magazine of the New Apostolic Church.
26 08 2022

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The sacraments (61): Three times a year for all
It looks no different than usual: Apostles dispense the sacraments—this time to two designated ministers—and the congregation stands and prays along silently. And yet, this is a highly solemn moment that has touched the faithful for generations.
16 08 2022

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The Church nails its colours to the mast
One earth, many people; one Christianity, many denominations; one congregation, many hands. There are many ways to foster fellowship and in the process profess one's beliefs, whether in cleaning up the environment, ecumenism, or putting women in the spotlight.
10 06 2022

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The Spirit, the gifts, and the double church
The liturgical calendar for June is distinguished by two celebrations: one of them is well known, the other one deserves more attention. Here is what we can look forward to on the four Sundays in June.
30 05 2022

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Walking the path together
It began with positive steps towards one another that developed into a common path forward. Much has happened since the ecumenical work of the New Apostolic Church started 22 years ago. One of the initiators who has done a lot of work in this area has now stepped down.
02 05 2022

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The sacraments (51): Two handfuls of spiritual gifts
Sealing is a sacrament with a history. And its roots can be traced back to the early Christian centuries. Here is an overview of the ten articles in our series on this topic and a look ahead on what is up next.
15 03 2022

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The sacraments (42): Within reach of the Spirit
Whether it is considered a rite, a sacrament, or merely a side effect of baptism, the churches have very different ways of understanding how a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. And this diversity of perspectives has a tradition that goes back nearly 2,000 years.
15 09 2021

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The sacraments (41): Is Holy Sealing merely a New Apostolic phenomenon?
What distinguishes the New Apostolic doctrine from that of other faiths? This question and others like it come up time and again. Depending on the context, the answer to this question can be longer or shorter. But most often it involves one key concept: Holy Sealing.
31 08 2021

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The sacraments (40): a twenty-course menu of titbits
A menu in twenty courses—that’s what the series on the history and theology of Holy Communion has served up. Following is an overview of what has been covered—before we move on to Holy Sealing.
16 08 2021

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The sacraments (36): A leap over the church fence?
Some call it the Eucharist, others the Lord’s Supper. For some it is ministers acting in Christ’s stead, for others it is the universal priesthood. For some it is a transformation, for others the body and blood of Christ are joined to the substance. Here it is Christ, there it is a symbol. Although Holy Communion is celebrated in all churches, it is celebrated differently everywhere.
15 06 2021

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The Sacraments (34): Ambassadors of divine initiative
Now that we have answered the what, how, where, and when, we still have to ask the question of who: who is permitted to dispense Holy Communion? And this time, the Christian churches actually all seem to have very similar answers—albeit with differing justifications.
20 05 2021

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The sacraments (33): How often should we partake?
When is the table of the Lord prepared? And how often should believers come to the table? In the past and present of the various denominations, the gamut of when to partake in the Lord’s Supper runs from once a day to once a year—let’s take a tour through some of the churches.
04 05 2021

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He took the helm in the middle of a storm
Suddenly in charge and in trouble. This is what Hendra Tansahsami experienced time and again. As District Apostle he merged the two New Apostolic sister churches in Indonesia. Here is a look back in tribute to a man who would have been 100 years old today.
19 04 2021

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The sacraments (27): Definitely something to chew on…
Are you serious, Leonardo? Dinner rolls? The bread on the menu of Da Vinci's famous painting of Jesus’ Last Supper does not quite correspond to the historical reality. And the whole question of what kind of bread was served at the Last Supper is already tricky enough. Nevertheless, let us attempt a foray…
09 02 2021

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Good things come to those who wait
USA, Japan, Germany: these are the stages in Shawn Beasley’s life. His path of faith is even a little longer. Join us on a journey of faith and discovery.
05 11 2020

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Apostle Haeck assumes the chairmanship of the CCC
The Council of Christian Churches (CCC) in Luxembourg is the official name of the round table at which the ecumenical churches of the Grand Duchy gather together to discuss Christian issues in the country. The CCC has recently appointed a new chairman: Clément Haeck, a retired Apostle.
27 10 2020
joining the world council of churches for the first time. "the love of christ moves, reconciles, and unites the world"—so reads the motto of the current assembly of the world council of churches (wcc). and for the first time, the new apostolic church is among the guests. 05 09 2022
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good recipes for cliff-hangers. christians are not only to talk—they are also supposed to act in christian fashion. but how is this supposed to happen, particularly in a time when christianity has been pushed to the margins in many places of the world? here are some excerpts from the sunday divine services of the new apostolic church in the month of september. 01 09 2022
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when children make a scene. children in ghana perform some theatre, a district apostle celebrates six divine services in a single week in argentina, and the members in the philippines take delight at the visit of their district apostle. let’s take a trip around the world with the online magazine of the new apostolic church. 26 08 2022
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the sacraments (61): three times a year for all. it looks no different than usual: apostles dispense the sacraments—this time to two designated ministers—and the congregation stands and prays along silently. and yet, this is a highly solemn moment that has touched the faithful for generations. 16 08 2022
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the church nails its colours to the mast. one earth, many people; one christianity, many denominations; one congregation, many hands. there are many ways to foster fellowship and in the process profess one's beliefs, whether in cleaning up the environment, ecumenism, or putting women in the spotlight. 10 06 2022
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the spirit, the gifts, and the double church. the liturgical calendar for june is distinguished by two celebrations: one of them is well known, the other one deserves more attention. here is what we can look forward to on the four sundays in june. 30 05 2022
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walking the path together. it began with positive steps towards one another that developed into a common path forward. much has happened since the ecumenical work of the new apostolic church started 22 years ago. one of the initiators who has done a lot of work in this area has now stepped down. 02 05 2022
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the sacraments (51): two handfuls of spiritual gifts. sealing is a sacrament with a history. and its roots can be traced back to the early christian centuries. here is an overview of the ten articles in our series on this topic and a look ahead on what is up next. 15 03 2022
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the sacraments (42): within reach of the spirit. whether it is considered a rite, a sacrament, or merely a side effect of baptism, the churches have very different ways of understanding how a christian receives the holy spirit. and this diversity of perspectives has a tradition that goes back nearly 2,000 years. 15 09 2021
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the sacraments (41): is holy sealing merely a new apostolic phenomenon? what distinguishes the new apostolic doctrine from that of other faiths? this question and others like it come up time and again. depending on the context, the answer to this question can be longer or shorter. but most often it involves one key concept: holy sealing. 31 08 2021
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the sacraments (40): a twenty-course menu of titbits. a menu in twenty courses—that’s what the series on the history and theology of holy communion has served up. following is an overview of what has been covered—before we move on to holy sealing. 16 08 2021
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the sacraments (36): a leap over the church fence? some call it the eucharist, others the lord’s supper. for some it is ministers acting in christ’s stead, for others it is the universal priesthood. for some it is a transformation, for others the body and blood of christ are joined to the substance. here it is christ, there it is a symbol. although holy communion is celebrated in all churches, it is celebrated differently everywhere. 15 06 2021
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the sacraments (34): ambassadors of divine initiative. now that we have answered the what, how, where, and when, we still have to ask the question of who: who is permitted to dispense holy communion? and this time, the christian churches actually all seem to have very similar answers—albeit with differing justifications. 20 05 2021
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the sacraments (33): how often should we partake? when is the table of the lord prepared? and how often should believers come to the table? in the past and present of the various denominations, the gamut of when to partake in the lord’s supper runs from once a day to once a year—let’s take a tour through some of the churches. 04 05 2021
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he took the helm in the middle of a storm. suddenly in charge and in trouble. this is what hendra tansahsami experienced time and again. as district apostle he merged the two new apostolic sister churches in indonesia. here is a look back in tribute to a man who would have been 100 years old today. 19 04 2021
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the sacraments (27): definitely something to chew on…. are you serious, leonardo? dinner rolls? the bread on the menu of da vinci's famous painting of jesus’ last supper does not quite correspond to the historical reality. and the whole question of what kind of bread was served at the last supper is already tricky enough. nevertheless, let us attempt a foray… 09 02 2021
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good things come to those who wait. usa, japan, germany: these are the stages in shawn beasley’s life. his path of faith is even a little longer. join us on a journey of faith and discovery. 05 11 2020
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apostle haeck assumes the chairmanship of the ccc. the council of christian churches (ccc) in luxembourg is the official name of the round table at which the ecumenical churches of the grand duchy gather together to discuss christian issues in the country. the ccc has recently appointed a new chairman: clément haeck, a retired apostle. 27 10 2020
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