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The sacraments (17): commonalities and differences in black and white

Naturally the churches acknowledge each other’s baptisms, even though this step has taken centuries to achieve. After all, the question of sacraments is intimately linked to the respective understanding each one has of what constitutes church. And yet they have all managed to approve sound papers on the subject. In the meantime, such things have […]

September 1, 2020

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The sacraments (16): the road into the baptismal community

Acknowledging the baptisms of other denominations is not as simple as it sounds, and the journey there has had its ups and downs in church history. A number of things had to be set into motion before the New Apostolic Church was in a position to acknowledge the baptisms of other Christian denominations. “Holy Baptism […]

August 17, 2020

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Aid organisations amid the corona pandemic: aid workers in an ongoing deployment (Part 2)

For months at a time, aid workers toil in remote regions, only to find that they cannot even return home to their families owing to recent lockdowns. It is a crisis that stops people in their tracks, and yet still allows them to grow… Photo: human aktiv Photo: human aktiv Photo: human aktiv Photo: Masakhe […]

August 14, 2020

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The sacraments (14): Somewhere between immersion and sprinkling

Water is life. And baptism is new life. But how much water does baptism require? And how is one supposed to perform the act anyway? Theologians have arrived at three answers—and archaeologists are offering a fourth. Is there a single right answer? The baptism of Christ: for centuries, artists have had their problems getting the […]

July 21, 2020

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The sacraments (13): “Let the little children come to Me”?

Some assigned the death penalty to baptism. And others established their very own “thousand-year kingdom of peace”. And it all began with an issue that still divides the denominations today. And suddenly the Reformation went off the rails: as of the early 1520s, Zurich and Strasbourg were the first centres of a movement of the […]

July 9, 2020

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Watching divine service broadcasts around the world

Brazil, Canada, South Africa, Indonesia … Christians across the world worship on Sundays. Since the outbreak of coronavirus, the New Apostolic Church has been streaming its services publicly. Following are the links for the live streams this coming Sunday. Several months ago, it was considered a novelty, in the meantime it has become quite natural, […]

May 22, 2020

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The Sacraments (8): As long as you use water!

Baptism is as old as the New Testament. It is both a bone of contention as well as a binding element among Christians. Some see it as a rite of entry into Christian life, others regard it as merely a private celebration. In fact, it is more than people think! “I am baptised.” Christians actually […]

April 28, 2020

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The Sacraments (7): In the name of God or the church?

Who is entitled to dispense the sacraments? The various Christian denominations have some very similar answers to that question—even though they all come from very different perspectives in arriving at them. Also common to all of them is the one big exception. The Protestant denominational family talks about the “universal priesthood of all believers”, which […]

April 16, 2020

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Congregational life goes digital

Although the app is still under development, the idea has really taken off. The web and app project “my digital congregation” is entering the second stage. It was worth the two sleepless weekends: Maximilian and Raphael Mayer, Simon Zebrowski, Julian Zechko, and Florian Winkler-Rösler were successful with their project (see our report ) (“my […]

April 14, 2020

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The sacraments (6): What matters is a matter of faith

Seven, three, or two: how many sacraments are there actually? Not even all the Christian denominations are in agreement with themselves when it comes to that question. But there is one point of intersection which all of them do acknowledge—almost all of them, that is. “Holy Scripture acknowledges only one sacrament, and that is Christ […]

March 30, 2020

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Faith without borders

Talking to one another, singing together, praying together: this does not need to be restricted to Christians alone. Following are just some of the ways the New Apostolic Church advocates for peace and unity with other denominations and religions. Prayers for unity Photo: Peter Harder Prayers for unity Photo: Peter Harder Prayers for unity Photo: […]

January 31, 2020

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Together we are strong

By their very self-definition, Christians are not lone warriors. And this is also shown again and again in the course of every subsequent week. On all continents, and in many thousands of congregations. Church leadership meets in South East Asia Photo: Keefe Setiobudi Church leadership meets in South East Asia Photo: Keefe Setiobudi Church leadership […]

January 27, 2020

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When choirs travel

Usually they accompany the divine services and define their liturgical framework. Congregational choirs are an important element of New Apostolic identity. Often they perform their task at a high level of quality, and sometimes choirs even embark on journeys. Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: […]

December 13, 2019

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Working together to make the gospel heard

The collaboration of the New Apostolic Church with other Christian denominations in Europe is expanding. The process begins with personal contacts, but keeps on progressing, even after reaching the point of membership in regional boards. Apostle Jeannot Leibfried, Jean-Claude Cardinal Hollerich Photo: Église néo-apostolique du Luxembourg Retired Apostle Clément Haeck, Jean-Claude Cardinal Hollerich, Apostle Jeannot […]

November 26, 2019

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Working together for Christ and against poverty

Christian fellowship strengthens—both when we profess our faith in Christ and when disaster strikes. Three recent examples demonstrate this. Photo: @pnagovph/Facebook Photo: Peter Harder Photo: Peter Harder Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Damage is worse than expected A series of earthquakes has disrupted the lives of more than 250,000 people on the Philippine island of Mindanao. Earthquakes […]

November 8, 2019

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Professing Jesus in all situations

Belief connects human beings with God. Sometimes this belief becomes visible in public. This week we take a look at a refugee camp, an art object, and a very active working group. Professing Christ in a refugee camp Photo: NAC Zambia Professing Christ and generating attention with art Photo: NAK Oldenburg Professing Christ and generating […]

October 25, 2019

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Not in your room …

Recognising and addressing the needs of others, praying together, and making music together to praise God—this is the weekly programme of many Christians. They are out and about to make a difference. Not in your room, but at school Photo: Not in your room, but at school Photo: Not in your room, but […]

October 11, 2019