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faith or works? faith! if god were to judge man solely by his works, most of us would have a problem. but there is hope. the bible is full of shining examples who were saved because of their faith and perseverance and not because they were the better human beings. 05 11 2018
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common ground beyond all differences. finding common ground, being there for one another, celebrating together: fellowship makes us strong—particularly in matters of faith. this applies as much to groups of friends as it does to denominations and even businesses. 20 09 2018
Read content — reading what you want. more choice: that is what, the social network of the new apostolic church, is offering as of today—and in a double sense to boot. after all, it isn’t just more reading material, but also greater freedom of individual selection. 10 09 2018
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a church in a state of flux (part 2). from the village into the city—and then? the rural exodus is real challenge for the new apostolic church—especially in the country with the largest membership. join us for part two on congregational life in the democratic republic of the congo. 09 08 2018
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the congregation as a living epistle of christ. the apostle ministry holds special status in new apostolic doctrine. apostolic thinking really only began to take hold on 14 july 1835, when the number of twelve apostles was complete in the ranks of the catholic apostolic church. and it has endured to this day. this must be evident in congregational life. 14 07 2018
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successful drill: central church evacuated. dialogue with other religions, making children familiar with the bible, and practising evacuation procedures. congregational life is not only about divine services and music. here is a look at three continents. 15 06 2018
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it takes passion …. passion, enthusiasm, love. this is what it takes to serve god and our neighbour. and this is what motivates christians to do good and to contribute to society at large. 06 04 2018
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“merging and growing together”. the changes in the newly merged district church western germany are finally complete: the new district apostle presented his goals for the future at a solemn reception to which representatives from other churches and the world of politics had been invited. 06 03 2018
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christian dialogue: sharing the christian belief. being a christian does not stop at the church door. this is demonstrated by the many encounters during the week of prayer for christian unity in the past month. the common idea: different, but reconciled. 16 02 2018
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there is a need for solidarity among churches. what exactly is church? only the building? only a certain denomination? an organisation? there are different definitions. paul speaks of a “body of christ” in scripture. following are some thoughts from the chief apostle on this subject. 15 01 2018
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the living and the dead: a fellowship in christ. the new apostolic church’s construct of the departed raises questions. in what condition do the dead find themselves? why do they need the sacraments? and does all of this not have something to do with spiritism? answers to an unusual doctrine. 03 01 2018
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three drops with a hundred-year history. the year 2017 marked an anniversary year. exactly one hundred years before, the new apostolic church had started to officially celebrate holy communion without sharing the cup. here is a brief recap of our wafer history. 27 12 2017
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our congregations around the world. on sunday christianity observes the first sunday of advent. here are some of the different ways our brothers and sisters around the world will start off the new church year. 01 12 2017
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“saving eternal life from certain death”. death and eternal life … how do other christian churches see this? and which teaching is behind this religious practice? this was the topic of a conference at the university of fribourg in switzerland. the initiative came from the new apostolic church. 09 11 2017
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comfort from our belief in god’s love. our conception of the departed is one of the treasures of the new apostolic faith. but where does it come from? what are its biblical sources? and how are we to deal with it in practice? some notes on our doctrine… 04 10 2017
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peace in jerusalem? that sounds good! the present-day city of jerusalem is increasingly becoming a symbol for heated relations between peoples, traditions, and religions. its inhabitants are constantly arguing about who has the privilege to live there in peace. a contradiction in itself! 20 09 2017
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the centenary of the communion wafer: the cup runneth over. form is subject to content. when the wafer sprinkled with wine replaced the chalice, the communion vessels also began to slowly change. 30 08 2017
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the centenary of the communion wafer — more than mere confirmation. in the one hundred years since its introduction the communion wafer has hardly changed. there have, however, been changes in the understanding of holy communion in the new apostolic church, particularly in its relationship to forgiveness of sins. 27 07 2017
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