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at home worldwide. over the past few weeks, there have been a number of important occasions for which brothers and sisters have come together. besides divine services and meetings with christians of other denominations there were sacramental acts and ordinations. 26 02 2015
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a task for everyone: living reconciliation. the statement of reconciliation between the new apostolic church and the apostolic community (apostolische gemeinschaft) in north rhine-westphalia in germany is more than an interdenominational act. this was made clear by chief apostle jean-luc schneider. the idea of reconciliation is something that should concern all brothers and sisters. 05 02 2015
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a course on the praise of god. the worship and praise of god is part of what constitutes “joy in christ”. but how do we get to this point? chief apostle jean-luc schneider plotted a four-point programme in a recent divine service. following are excerpts. 28 01 2015
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religious diversity under one roof. the chief apostle’s visit to the united arab emirates this coming weekend will fall under the motto “diversity”: many nations in one congregation and many denominations under one roof. 15 01 2015
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against hatred and violence: “the stranger is your neighbour!”. islamic terrorism in france, nigeria, and mali, and islamophobic demonstrations in germany. also in such situations, the new apostolic faith can be applied in a very concrete and practical way. this is something that chief apostle-luc schneider made very clear in a divine service this past sunday in luxembourg. 14 01 2015
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light after darkness. comfort and solace was offered in a recent concert by the wilhelmshaven chamber choir. it was given in memory of the tsunami in south-east asia ten years ago. how did those affected by the tsunami, either directly or as helpers, experience the disaster? following are some personal accounts. 08 01 2015
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media offer 2015:, the news magazine. zurich. the countdown is on. on 1 january 2015 will go online. the new news magazine of the new apostolic church international (naci) will offer interesting and valuable reports from around the world for new apostolic christians and other interested readers with. 18 12 2014
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“the thought of reconciliation is front and centre”. zurich. as already announced, a statement of reconciliation between the united apostolic church and the new apostolic church is to be signed at the end of november. this is an historic moment for both churches, after nearly 60 years of separation. 28 10 2014
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ecumenism – not a controversial topic after all? munich/zurich. ecumenism – not a controversial topic for new apostolic christians after all? that was certainly the impression that emerged during an important panel discussion at the international church convention in munich on the subject of the one-year anniversary of the new apostolic catechism. 12 06 2014
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official introduction of the new apostolic catechism! zurich. “for the first time ever, a systematic description of the new apostolic doctrine has been developed. naturally there have already been other works describing significant elements of the new apostolic faith […] nevertheless there have been increasing calls for a more comprehensive description of our doctrine.” so it says on the first page of the catechism of the new apostolic church. yesterday evening there was an information evening originating in zurich to mark the work’s official introduction. 06 12 2012
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pentecost 2012: a meeting of apostles. cologne/zurich. one of the items in the program for the saturday of the pentecost weekend in cologne was a meeting of the european apostles a total of 45 apostles from europe, as well as all the district apostles and district apostle helpers of the world, had assembled for this occasion. chief apostle wilhelm leber began with an emotional prayer for the unity of the church and the welfare of all congregations. a comprehensive spiritual portion followed. 27 05 2012
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