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District Apostle

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Extended liturgy of the New Apostolic Church still to be introduced this year
Zurich. An extended liturgy will be introduced in the international New Apostolic Church with the start of the new Church year. In a letter to all the Church’s ministers the international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, designated the first Sunday of Advent as the starting point of this new development. In the letter he states that it is his wish to notify the ministers of this change already at this early point in time.
16 06 2010
District Apostle

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Pentecost 2010: “Let us pray daily for power!”
Cape Town. District Apostle Noel Barnes expressed it best after the divine service: “I may not be able to look into the future, but I believe that this will remain a unique event for us in Cape Town!” The Pentecost service had just come to an end. Some 1.2 million believers had been able to participate in it live, either by satellite or internet transmission. Four thousand of these had been seated in the congregation of Tafelsig, the largest New Apostolic Church building in the world.
25 05 2010
District Apostle

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The creed of the New Apostolic Church has been revised
Zurich. As of today the ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church will appear in revised format. By commission of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, a Work Group has revised the New Apostolic creed. Concerning this, the international Church leader states: “On account of changes to some doctrinal statements, such as, for example, our understanding of Holy Baptism, a revision had become necessary.” The Chief Apostle goes on to mention that a more specific formulation had become necessary in many of these statements. The basic structure of the Articles of Faith remains unchanged however.
21 05 2010
District Apostle

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A prayer at the grave of the English Apostles
Zurich/London. During the afternoon of their first session at the European District Apostle Meeting, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber and the European District Apostles made an excursion to Albury. This small town in the county of Surrey, some 50 kilometres outside of London, was the hub of the Catholic Apostolic movement at the start of the nineteenth century. The Church leaders gathered for an emotional prayer at the grave of Apostle Carlyle.
07 05 2010
District Apostle

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Pentecost 2009: “All our work should begin with thanks!”
Chicago. It is Pentecost Sunday 2009, and Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber finds himself in Rosemount, near Chicago. This is where the Pentecost service is scheduled to take place at 11:00 AM. From here it will be transmitted to North and South America via satellite. For the first time, the divine service will also be available through live audio-video streaming over the internet. This year’s message of greeting from Chief Apostle Leber to the New Apostolic congregations around the world is: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
05 06 2009
District Apostle

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Closing divine service in Düsseldorf: “What is the prime focus of your life?”
Düsseldorf. Some 46,000 people, most of them young people between the ages of 14 and 30, attended the concluding divine service of the European Youth Day 2009 sponsored by the New Apostolic Church. “What is the prime focus of your life? What is your top priority?” asked the international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, as he addressed the large crowd assembled around him in the LTU-Arena. His four responses to this question were: to please the Lord, to serve the Lord, to serve as a blessing for others, and finally to participate in the day of Christ’s return.
25 05 2009
District Apostle

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Pentecost 2008: Berlin Apostle Meeting brings Apostles to the same table
Berlin. With the exception of two Apostles, all European District Apostles and Apostles were able to take part in this year’s Apostle Meeting in Berlin. In his hour-long address, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber focused on the beatitudes recorded in the fifth chapter of Matthew in the Holy Scriptures.
14 05 2008