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For the individual and the Global Church – the divine services in 2023
Whether in Helsinki, Nairobi, New York, or Bad Sassendorf, the Chief Apostle served New Apostolic Christians all over the world in 2023. While every believer could feel personally addressed in these divine services, the sermons also contained impulses for the Global Church.
28 12 2023

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Apostles underway to encourage and support
The main task of the Apostle ministry is the dispensing of the sacraments and the proclamation of the gospel. But sometimes their work also involves things such as presenting a wheelchair or going for a walk on the beach. Here are a few examples of the kind of support services Apostles offer.
24 11 2023

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From the small local congregation to a globally active church
The New Apostolic Church is active in almost two hundred countries. How can the unity of the Church be ensured despite differences in tradition and organisation? Answers can be found in the following article giving an overview of the structures of the Church.
06 11 2023

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A lifework of reforms
“If we want to preserve what we have, we will have to change many things,” was the guiding principle of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who died ten years ago today on 30 June 2013. Many of the innovations today can be traced back to his initiative.
30 06 2023