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changes in the circle of the apostles (2/2022). in most parts of the world, the covid situation has improved so that chief apostle jean-luc schneider was once again able to travel and ordain and retire apostles. some retirees had to wait longer for the official act because of the pandemic. ordinations and retirements in goma (dr congo south east) photo: ena dr congo […]. 09 01 2023
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virtual fellowship. divine service is an encounter with god and takes place within the assembled congregation: where possible, the faithful meet for worship and come together for holy communion. where this is not possible, prayer, the sermon, and the benediction can also be experienced online. live-streaming on sunday, 8 january 2023 angola, portuguese, canada, english, french, […]. 06 01 2023
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together in christ makes us strong. “together in christ” is not free, but it gives infinitely more strength than it costs. to close the year, we look back on the different aspects emphasised by the district apostles in the spotlight series reflecting the 2022 motto. photo: ina sud américa photo: ina sud américa photo: nac zambia, malawi, zimbabwe photo: ena rdc […]. 30 12 2022
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another year is dawning. beginning the new year with god—on one’s own or with one’s family, but also in fellowship with our brothers and sisters. christians are looking forward to it. about 150 years ago, frances r. havergal wrote the well-known hymn “another year is dawning”. “another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace; another year of gladness before […]. 30 12 2022
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ushering in a new generation of leadership. it was the year of the district apostle helpers: over the past twelve months, the chief apostle assigned no less than three new ones. this is not by coincidence. in fact, there is a stated reason behind these changes. and it all has to do with the future. photo: jens lange photo: nak nord- und […]. 26 12 2022
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celebrating christmas! christmas is a feast of joy and love even if numerous things can cloud this joy. for christians, however, there is always a reason to celebrate: namely the birth of jesus. christmas commemorates the birth of jesus christ and thus refers to one of the central events in salvation history: jesus christ, who was conceived […]. 23 12 2022
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thoughts and links for the fourth sunday of advent. traditionally, we can be certain that the fourth candle on the advent wreath is always lit after the third one. and just as certain are the youtube services being offered by the various districts. here are the links for this sunday. also on the fourth sunday of advent some may not be able to attend […]. 16 12 2022
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anticipating christmas. this sunday we will light another candle on the advent wreath as we turn our attention more and more to christmas. even so, not all feel comfortable enough yet to join the in-person services in their local congregation. thank god that many can make use of the advantages that technology offers and join a live-streamed […]. 09 12 2022
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a district apostle helper for western germany. the new man has already demonstrated leadership qualities: both in the church and in his working life. he also has pastoral qualities. this is what companions say. they are convinced: the new apostolic church western germany can look forward to its district apostle helper. photo: frank schuldt photo: marcel konstantin, andreas otto photo: nak westdeutschland […]. 06 12 2022
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divine services on six continents. there are members everywhere who are doing what they can these days to ensure that divine services are transmitted via internet and telephone. there is only one continent from which the new apostolic church does not transmit online services. the new apostolic church streams central divine services in 28 countries every sunday. in addition to […]. 02 12 2022
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teamwork on a global scale. work on the new children’s teaching material is progressing well. an overview was given at the recent international district apostle meeting. writers and teams from various countries are involved in compiling the various books. teaching material has existed in the new apostolic congregations since about 1908. the first such book was a manual aimed at […]. 28 11 2022
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the church expands its misconduct policy. clear words, strong action… in line with this motto, the new apostolic church is continuing its fight against sexual misconduct. this was also evident at the meetings of the district apostles this past week. the following leaves no room for doubt: “the new apostolic church strongly disapproves of any actions that infringe upon a person’s […]. 18 11 2022
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tragedy meets humanity. natural disasters, diseases, and exorbitant food prices cause great hardship. how comforting when there is help. this week’s review looks at how our brothers and sisters as well as relief organisations provided desperately needed help. one of our flooded churches in the south of nigeria photo: nac nigeria one of our flooded churches in […]. 11 11 2022
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welcome to the virtual church. for the longest time, part of our congregational and church life moved online because of covid-19. here is a look at some of the means used and what online offers were available and are still available this coming sunday in terms of divine services. meetings apostles and bishops came together in video conferences and so […]. 11 11 2022
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the word of god in multimedia form. a hundred years ago it would have been unthinkable: divine services via phone-in, on television, via satellite, or the internet. today divine services are just a click away. quite a lot of work goes into this to make it possible. in many countries churches are still closed because of covid-19. in other parts of the […]. 04 11 2022
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around the world and round the clock. who knows what will happen the day after tomorrow? the pandemic has shaken up many plans. one thing, however, is sure and that is the possibility of joining online services again on sunday. the new apostolic church offers weekly central video services on youtube, iptv, or tv. in many places, members can also phone in, […]. 28 10 2022
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divine services in the world’s largest congregation. the new apostolic church has been streaming divine services for 134 weeks now. thousands join these online services, constituting the world’s largest congregation. whether by postal cable at the very beginning way back, then satellite, or internet, the means of transmission were always unusual and constituted a small revolution. before long, however, the church and […]. 21 10 2022
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the word of god workshop. the periodical points the way, but every preacher has to find his own way into the listener’s heart. this was one of the topics discussed by the authors of the divine service guide at their most recent annual meeting, which took place on two continents. photo: kim kolb photo: kim kolb photo: kim kolb photo: […]. 20 10 2022
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