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The “Chief”—way ahead of his time

The Church’s own health insurance, a football league of congregational teams, and a working area that spanned half the globe: today we celebrate the 125th birthday of Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff—an Apostle unlike any other. Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: Photo: Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Westdeutschland Photo: Photo: “So, if it were not for a […]

August 2, 2019

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CTM means “Children’s Teaching Material”

Abbreviations like CTM have the advantage of conveying content without constantly having to repeat a long series of words. To make a long story short, the new textbooks for Sunday School are now also being introduced in Europe. Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: […]

August 1, 2019

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God blesses those who trust Him

“The resurrection of Christ is such a bizarre story,” young people have told tell the Chief Apostle. Human beings generally know very little about the omnipotence of God. But the Chief Apostle is sure that there are no limits to the power of God. Some 1,800 participants were counted in our Lavistown church Photo: NAC […]

July 17, 2019

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It’s Sunday again …

This coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church will celebrate the divine service for the departed. This special service not only commemorates the departed, but in it the sacraments are dispensed to souls in the realms of the departed. On Sunday we will celebrate the divine service for the departed. How does the New Apostolic Church […]

July 5, 2019

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community is online: issue 2019/03

Week after week, believers around the world gather for divine services in their congregations—a joy they all share. However, their living conditions could not be more different. The new issue of community takes a look at the diversity of our congregations and features special divine services. The Chief Apostle thanks the congregations “The congregation is […]

July 1, 2019

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Faith is there for everybody

New Apostolic congregations in Africa and Europe are right in the middle of public life. There are congregations who open their doors for the public, others who invite people in for discussions, and those who walk through the streets with a brass band to create awareness. A brass band takes to the street Photo: NAC […]

June 21, 2019

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The IYC is over. The IYC is here to stay.

No more green route, no more “Heeeere I aaaaam”, and even the French have returned home again. The IYC is over. Yet, even several days later the mega-event still dominates the Church’s media. Nigeria reports enthusiastically about the live video conference between Lagos and Düsseldorf. Photo: Andi Alger Nigeria reports enthusiastically about the live video […]

June 14, 2019

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Round the clock security

Problems are Holger Pinske’s everyday life, solving them is his passion. At the International Youth Convention, they have so far kept within reasonable bounds. A look into the IYC management and control centre. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten More than 30,000 people are expected to attend the International […]

June 1, 2019

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A glimmer of hope beyond the diamond mines

Angola is booming — and yet the gap between the poor and rich is still growing. Many people still lack the bare necessities. Some, however, are finding new prospects in a project organised by two New Apostolic relief organisations. The contrast between rich and poor is obvious in Angola, especially in the cities Photo: mbrand85 […]

May 23, 2019

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In the land of moose and islands

From deep in the south to high in the north: following his visit to South Africa last weekend, the Chief Apostle will stop off in Sweden this coming weekend, a country that can easily compete with Philippine archipelago. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Daniel Rudolph Photo: Daniel Rudolph Photo: Daniel […]

May 16, 2019

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The world gathers at the IYC 2019

Whether via video stream or live in Germany, young people and District Churches from all over the world will be gathering at the International Youth Convention (IYC). Here is a glance at the schedule of events and the hall plan. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: IJT2019 Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: […]

May 9, 2019

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IYC highlights in the works

Your personal IYC highlight could be a chance encounter, a moment from the divine service, or the sensation of being together with 30,000 other like-minded individuals. One project group has been working hard so that the big events at the International Youth Convention 2019 (IYC) contribute to this experience. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Jessica Krämer […]

April 23, 2019

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Our concept of ministry met with a big response

Everybody is talking about it: our new definition of ministry. And most of the reactions are positive, although there is some criticism. Here is a look at the general trend. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: […]

April 12, 2019

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Our concept of ministry to go on the air

Explaining the changes in our definition of ministry: the Chief Apostle has declared this a top priority. Anyone who cannot watch his video message will be able to find it online with time delay. The official website of the New Apostolic Church International ( describes the upcoming changes as “a significant change in our tradition”. […]

April 6, 2019

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Getting excited about church

Preparing for a big event can be exhausting, but it can also be exciting and a lot of fun. Every congregation has big and small stories to tell. And they clearly show: getting involved in the Church is fun! International Youth Convention in Germany Photo: Oliver Rütten International Youth Convention in Germany Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

March 29, 2019

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New contents, better methods

Teaching, preaching, and doctrine must be passed on to everyone in an understandable way. Over the past few days, brothers and sisters have shown how this can be done even better than before. New teaching material for Sunday School Photo: Jessica Krämer New teaching material for Sunday School Photo: Jessica Krämer New teaching material for […]

March 22, 2019