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Between a new start and emergency aid

The Swiss relief organisation NAK-Diakonia had to deal with two major events in 2022 which meant considerable expenditures. The recently published annual report shows that joy and sorrow are never far apart. Two events characterised the year 2022, District Apostle Jürg Zbinden, the president of the foundation board, writes in the foreword: “The world was […]

August 10, 2023

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Ministry (33): A lost tradition

Did the New Apostolic Church really ordain only men as ministers until last year? What about the Deaconesses who were active in Europe, America, and Africa for a period of eighty years? Here are some facts and figures to give an initial picture. Karoline Pfänder was a Deaconess in Stuttgart i Photo: Werner Paulus In […]

July 25, 2023

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (1/2023)

It was mainly in Africa that the Chief Apostle ordained new Apostles in the first half of 2023. But there were also two ordinations on other continents: one in America and one in Europe. Ordinations in Lodwar (Kenya) Photo: Michael Owino Ordinations in Lodwar (Kenya) Photo: TIMPANY Ordinations in Lodwar (Kenya) Photo: TIMPANY Apostle Nestor […]

July 10, 2023

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On sorcery, natural beauty, and anticipation

For a long time Finland was a blank spot on the New Apostolic map, until an Apostle remembered his childhood dream. This weekend, the Finnish brothers and sisters are excited to have the Chief Apostle visit them. Photo: Silja Stuffer Photo: Dietmar Frontzek Photo: Dietmar Frontzek Photo: Dietmar Frontzek Photo: Dietmar Frontzek Photo: Dietmar Frontzek […]

July 7, 2023

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community 3/2023: Discovering a whole world between the lines

A world trip without an airplane? You don’t even have to leave home for it. Let the new issue of community show you around. Following in the footsteps of the Chief Apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine […]

July 3, 2023

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From secretary to District Apostle Helper

Switzerland will now also receive a District Apostle Helper. He has been designated to succeed District Apostle Jürg Zbinden. This is the fourth such assignment in a short period of time. The designated successor is a Swiss national and already works for the New Apostolic Church Switzerland. Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK […]

June 16, 2023

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All generations are actively engaged

Not only the ministers and those who have functions in the Church are committed, but members of all ages. Everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: ENA Benin Togo Photo: Photo: […]

June 9, 2023

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How divine services will continue to reach believers

In the end, it was only one link that changed: after almost three years, our Friday list of online services is no longer necessary, thankfully. Here is a look back on an eventful period. Things began gradually: “Avoid panic but promote adequate hygiene.” This was the policy at the beginning of March 2020, when the […]

June 2, 2023

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Lubumbashi celebrated Pentecost

How did the Pentecost service get to the various congregations? In very different ways. And some, like the Democratic Republic of Congo, made a celebration of their own out of it. Divine service in Lubumbashi Photo: ENA RDC Sud-Est Divine service in Lubumbashi Photo: ENA RDC Sud-Est Divine service in Lubumbashi Photo: Warren James Divine […]

May 31, 2023

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“God is there” in music

The Chief Apostle also sang along, but only during the opening hymn. Then he left the stage to the choir, orchestra, and the children’s choir for the 2023 Pentecost concert. During the last piece, the audience was allowed to sing along once more. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa […]

May 27, 2023

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A place to make music, be safe, and learn

Over the next few days, the focus of the New Apostolic world will be on Cape Town in South Africa. The Chief Apostle and the District Apostles have gathered in the city for the International District Apostles’ Meeting. They will conduct divine services, attend a concert in Silvertown, and celebrate the birthday of the church […]

May 24, 2023

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Fatal bus crash shakes politicians and the Church

New Apostolic Christians far beyond Zambia’s borders are reacting with dismay and sadness to a fatal road accident that has killed 24 people, most of them women, who were on their way to a church event. Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Sisters’ […]

May 22, 2023

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A tree that gives eternal life

At the beginning and end of the Bible, trees and their fruit play a prominent role. The best known of the two is not even the most important. Here is a reflection on Arbour Day. Many countries across the world observe Arbour Day and mark it by planting trees. The day has been around for […]

April 24, 2023

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Contemplative, interested, committed

New Apostolic Christians in Germany, Spain, and Guinea learned some very different things on their tours of discovery through history, religion, and responsibility for their own faith. Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: INA España Photo: INA España Photo: INA España Photo: ENA Guinee Photo: […]

April 13, 2023

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Malawi struggling to recover after a cyclone

Destruction, homelessness, hunger: of all the countries hit by the cyclone, Malawi was battered the worst. Relief efforts are underway also by New Apostolic aid organisations. What do the people need? District Apostle Kububa Soko wanted to see for himself. Damage in Chilobwe Photo: NAC Malawi Fourteen-year-old Teresa in what is left of her parent’s […]

April 5, 2023

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Odette leaves deep scars

No other country is as threatened by natural disasters as the Philippines. “Yes, indeed, we got our share last year,” it says in the latest annual report of the charity NACSEARelief. The Philippines top the global disaster risk index. The country with its 7,000 islands is located in a seismically active zone and has 36,000 […]

March 14, 2023

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When cow dung turns into energy

Renewable energy: what is supposed to bring about a turnaround in Europe is a first step towards generating electricity in regions of sub-Saharan Africa. A joint project of two New Apostolic relief organisations in Zambia shows the immense benefit for everyone. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ […]

February 28, 2023

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Carrying the gospel into the world joyfully

This is my church and I am proud to be part of it. This is how many New Apostolic Christians feel about their church and gladly share their faith by testifying of it in various ways and making it visible to other people. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa […]

February 17, 2023
between a new start and emergency aid. the swiss relief organisation nak-diakonia had to deal with two major events in 2022 which meant considerable expenditures. the recently published annual report shows that joy and sorrow are never far apart. two events characterised the year 2022, district apostle jürg zbinden, the president of the foundation board, writes in the foreword: “the world was […]. august 10, 2023
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ministry (33): a lost tradition. did the new apostolic church really ordain only men as ministers until last year? what about the deaconesses who were active in europe, america, and africa for a period of eighty years? here are some facts and figures to give an initial picture. karoline pfänder was a deaconess in stuttgart i photo: werner paulus in […]. july 25, 2023
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changes in the circle of the apostles (1/2023). it was mainly in africa that the chief apostle ordained new apostles in the first half of 2023. but there were also two ordinations on other continents: one in america and one in europe. ordinations in lodwar (kenya) photo: michael owino ordinations in lodwar (kenya) photo: timpany ordinations in lodwar (kenya) photo: timpany apostle nestor […]. july 10, 2023
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on sorcery, natural beauty, and anticipation. for a long time finland was a blank spot on the new apostolic map, until an apostle remembered his childhood dream. this weekend, the finnish brothers and sisters are excited to have the chief apostle visit them. photo: silja stuffer photo: dietmar frontzek photo: dietmar frontzek photo: dietmar frontzek photo: dietmar frontzek photo: dietmar frontzek […]. july 7, 2023
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community 3/2023: discovering a whole world between the lines. a world trip without an airplane? you don’t even have to leave home for it. let the new issue of community show you around. following in the footsteps of the chief apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine […]. july 3, 2023
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from secretary to district apostle helper. switzerland will now also receive a district apostle helper. he has been designated to succeed district apostle jürg zbinden. this is the fourth such assignment in a short period of time. the designated successor is a swiss national and already works for the new apostolic church switzerland. photo: nak schweiz photo: nak schweiz photo: nak […]. june 16, 2023
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all generations are actively engaged. not only the ministers and those who have functions in the church are committed, but members of all ages. everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. photo: theo photo: theo photo: theo photo: theo photo: theo photo: ena benin togo photo: photo: […]. june 9, 2023
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how divine services will continue to reach believers. in the end, it was only one link that changed: after almost three years, our friday list of online services is no longer necessary, thankfully. here is a look back on an eventful period. things began gradually: “avoid panic but promote adequate hygiene.” this was the policy at the beginning of march 2020, when the […]. june 2, 2023
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lubumbashi celebrated pentecost. how did the pentecost service get to the various congregations? in very different ways. and some, like the democratic republic of congo, made a celebration of their own out of it. divine service in lubumbashi photo: ena rdc sud-est divine service in lubumbashi photo: ena rdc sud-est divine service in lubumbashi photo: warren james divine […]. may 31, 2023
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“god is there” in music. the chief apostle also sang along, but only during the opening hymn. then he left the stage to the choir, orchestra, and the children’s choir for the 2023 pentecost concert. during the last piece, the audience was allowed to sing along once more. photo: nac southern africa photo: nac southern africa photo: nac southern africa […]. may 27, 2023
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a place to make music, be safe, and learn. over the next few days, the focus of the new apostolic world will be on cape town in south africa. the chief apostle and the district apostles have gathered in the city for the international district apostles’ meeting. they will conduct divine services, attend a concert in silvertown, and celebrate the birthday of the church […]. may 24, 2023
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fatal bus crash shakes politicians and the church. new apostolic christians far beyond zambia’s borders are reacting with dismay and sadness to a fatal road accident that has killed 24 people, most of them women, who were on their way to a church event. photo: nac zambia photo: nac zambia photo: nac zambia photo: nac zambia photo: nac zambia photo: nac zambia sisters’ […]. may 22, 2023
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a tree that gives eternal life. at the beginning and end of the bible, trees and their fruit play a prominent role. the best known of the two is not even the most important. here is a reflection on arbour day. many countries across the world observe arbour day and mark it by planting trees. the day has been around for […]. april 24, 2023
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contemplative, interested, committed. new apostolic christians in germany, spain, and guinea learned some very different things on their tours of discovery through history, religion, and responsibility for their own faith. photo: henry stankat photo: henry stankat photo: henry stankat photo: henry stankat photo: henry stankat photo: ina españa photo: ina españa photo: ina españa photo: ena guinee photo: […]. april 13, 2023
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malawi struggling to recover after a cyclone. destruction, homelessness, hunger: of all the countries hit by the cyclone, malawi was battered the worst. relief efforts are underway also by new apostolic aid organisations. what do the people need? district apostle kububa soko wanted to see for himself. damage in chilobwe photo: nac malawi fourteen-year-old teresa in what is left of her parent’s […]. april 5, 2023
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odette leaves deep scars. no other country is as threatened by natural disasters as the philippines. “yes, indeed, we got our share last year,” it says in the latest annual report of the charity nacsearelief. the philippines top the global disaster risk index. the country with its 7,000 islands is located in a seismically active zone and has 36,000 […]. march 14, 2023
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when cow dung turns into energy. renewable energy: what is supposed to bring about a turnaround in europe is a first step towards generating electricity in regions of sub-saharan africa. a joint project of two new apostolic relief organisations in zambia shows the immense benefit for everyone. photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ photo: nak-karitativ […]. february 28, 2023
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carrying the gospel into the world joyfully. this is my church and i am proud to be part of it. this is how many new apostolic christians feel about their church and gladly share their faith by testifying of it in various ways and making it visible to other people. photo: nac southern africa photo: nac southern africa photo: nac southern africa […]. february 17, 2023
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