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The sacraments (47): Conveying the Spirit

It happened in 1840/41: the apostle unity fell apart and so did the masterplan. The charismatic movement had to reinvent itself as a church. Here is the background to sealing in the Catholic Apostolic Church. The whole thing was triggered by the conflict with the Council of Zion, the council of the seven London churches. […]

December 9, 2021

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Tribute to a trailblazing pioneer

He was born in Wetzlar, Germany, and died in Riverleigh, Australia. A widely travelled and very interesting man would have celebrated his 150th birthday these days. As one of the pioneering Apostles of the New Apostolic Church in Australia, Jakob Dietz had a great impact. Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW Photo: Zentralarchiv […]

December 9, 2021

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The “unknown God”

Paul told the people in Athens about the unknown God. And this is still true: every human being was created in His image and is destined for fellowship with Him. When God calls, man can find Him. For He is always very close to us. Photo: Frank Doleschal Photo: Frank Doleschal Photo: Frank Doleschal Photo: […]

November 17, 2021

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Weak humans do powerful works!

Let’s not always look at the numbers, admonishes Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. What is matter of course for modern humans is unsuitable for spreading the gospel. God will complete His church through imperfect human beings. Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Heilbronn, Germany, on 24 October 2021: the president of the international Church […]

November 10, 2021

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There’s a place for you here too

Since 2015, members of the New Apostolic Church have been smiling at passers-by from display cases outside our churches. Starting next year, sisters and brothers will still be shown, but only as silhouettes. The project manager explains the idea behind this. Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: New Apostolic Church […]

November 9, 2021

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He loved to be in the middle of things

The great shepherd’s heart has stopped beating. District Apostle (ret.) Markus Fehlbaum of Switzerland passed away yesterday after a long and serious illness with many ups and downs. As a tribute, here is his portrait once more. As you stepped into the Fehlbaum’s home, you immediately noticed children’s drawings on the walls in the stairwell. […]

August 13, 2021

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Shared loneliness

Some look back with gratitude and joy and have happy memories, others look ahead hopefully as they face special challenges. Here is a look at some of the activities in our congregations around the world. Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia […]

August 6, 2021

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (01/2021)

Again the Chief Apostle was hardly able to travel in the first half of the year and could therefore ordain and retire only a few Apostles. Instead, he asked the District Apostles to perform these ministerial acts on his behalf. At the end of June 2021, 337 Apostles were active around the world. Apostlel Matthias […]

July 15, 2021

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Last minute cancellation of pastoral trip

The Chief Apostle’s trip to Zambia and the DR Congo has been cancelled. He will not be able to travel there. He is very disappointed, but what pains him the most is the disappointment of the brothers and sisters. He is well acquainted with the conditions of the members there. “I have the tickets: I […]

July 6, 2021

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Hope, love, and responsibility for the creation

“Sown into the heart”—this was the motto of the Christian churches at the Federal Garden Show in Erfurt, Germany. All around the world, Christians are sowing positive things into the hearts of their fellow human beings. For example, our Apostles sow love, and our young people are sowing the notion of taking responsibility for the […]

June 25, 2021

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Women in ministry: a debate full of contrasts

There was certainly plenty of buzz on the social media sponsored by the New Apostolic Church. The subject of women in ministry generated hundreds of comments. And the reactions could hardly have been more different. Naturally there were some posts that used words like embarrassing and shameful to target the “old men” antagonists in the […]

June 17, 2021

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The sacraments (36): A leap over the church fence?

Some call it the Eucharist, others the Lord’s Supper. For some it is ministers acting in Christ’s stead, for others it is the universal priesthood. For some it is a transformation, for others the body and blood of Christ are joined to the substance. Here it is Christ, there it is a symbol. Although Holy […]

June 15, 2021

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A hymn of thanks despite the pandemic

Just imagine, Pentecost is here, and no one is going! This year, the New Apostolic world will instead meet by satellite and internet in order to celebrate the birthday of the church of Christ. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will take to the airways from Switzerland for the festive divine service. Photo: Milena Ashlee Photo: Peter […]

May 22, 2021