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at home around the world. pentecost is over — but the highlight of the month of may is not to obscure the fact that there have also been other great initiatives unfolding in new apostolic congregations around the world outside of these festive holy days. in the following we report on some of them: new apostolic information booth at a […]. june 4, 2015
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no luxury apartments and no single rooms. jesus said, “in my father’s house are many mansions.” the chief apostle explained that this does not mean that there is a single room for every believer or even a huge apartment for that matter. how this promise of jesus is to be understood was explained by chief apostle jean-luc schneider in a divine service […]. june 2, 2015
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when divine service pictures learned to move. when millions of brothers and sisters in faith around the globe are once again united for this year’s pentecost divine service, the new apostolic church will be celebrating a special anniversary: for the last 25 years, the great transmission has also been sent out to all the nations, namely by satellite. following are some insights […]. may 16, 2015
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at home around the world. many different countries — many different ways to live one’s faith. today our overview incorporates some insights into new apostolic congregations in south and central america, africa and europe. angola photo: hermann bethke angola photo: hermann bethke el salvador photo: nac usa germany photo: oliver rütten angola as of 1 january 2015, bishops have been […]. may 13, 2015
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teamwork: the first youth weekend in senegal. three apostles, three languages: the first youth weekend in senegal placed high demands on others besides the organizers. even the confirmation represented a challenge that could only be mastered through teamwork. the apostle responsible for the work of the church in this country reports for teamwork: the first youth weekend in senegal photo: nak […]. april 7, 2015
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one faith. many apps. everyone has a smartphone nowadays. and that means that all things church related are right within reach too: want to stay up to date? feel like browsing through the catechism? need to find a congregation? well, there are apps for this and more—an overview of the official apps on offer. nac news the application known […]. march 27, 2015
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at home around the world. for many years, “a bond of love around the globe” was used as title for news in the new apostolic world. love is still the operative word today. new apostolic relief organizations around the world fight to alleviate the consequences of natural disasters and in some regions specially trained brothers and sisters help their fellow […]. march 20, 2015
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making music, preaching, and training—with joy. what moves through the heart of the longest-serving apostle as he looks back over his life—more than half of which he spent in this ministry—just before his retirement? what does he remember when he thinks back on his musical activities and his active missionary work? answers from an interview with apostle rudolf kainz. how did […]. march 11, 2015
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19+1: the leadership board of the church meets. the international leadership of the new apostolic church is meeting again at the end of this week in zurich: how does such a district apostle meeting proceed? who is in attendance? what will be discussed? the administrative offices of the new apostolic church international in zurich, switzerland. in the foreground at left is the conference […]. march 10, 2015
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duties between ministry and commission. tomorrow, 8 march, is international women’s day – a celebration that has its roots in the battle for equal rights. women in the new apostolic church cannot exercise a ministry, but they do perform invaluable pastoral work. how does that fit together? there has already been precedent for women in ministry: at the end of […]. march 7, 2015
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at home worldwide. “at home worldwide” is the motto set out in the logo of this is also the title of our weekly overview, in which we look at the happenings among our brothers and sisters around the world. the eliata choir in concert photo: nac indonesia district apostle urs hebeisen with the choir and orchestra photo: […]. february 6, 2015
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labour with love: the year 2014 in review (part 2). even after the international church convention in munich, which was the highlight for many, there were a lot of other happenings in the new apostolic church worldwide. some of the important and interesting highlights from the second half of the year were as follows. some of the young people travelled more than 20 hours to […]. january 31, 2015
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labour with love: the year 2014 in review (part 1). we still carry last year’s motto in our hearts. but what else happened throughout the new apostolic world in 2014? following is a look at the happenings around the world in the first half of 2014. “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of christ” photo: nak süddeutschland a bomb from world war […]. january 29, 2015
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2014, the year of love. “labour in love” was the motto that chief apostle schneider laid into the hearts of the new apostolic people around the world at the beginning of last year. what have the congregations done with it? asked the district churches. photo: nak nrw in ina súd, the largest south american district apostle area, the motto […]. january 12, 2015
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“the thought of reconciliation is front and centre”. zurich. as already announced, a statement of reconciliation between the united apostolic church and the new apostolic church is to be signed at the end of november. this is an historic moment for both churches, after nearly 60 years of separation. chief apostle jean-luc schneider photo: peter wild chief apostle jean-luc schneider photo: peter wild […]. october 28, 2014
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interview with apostle hoyer: “profess the faith” and “the catechism – questions and answers”. “the christian faith is intended to be shared with others” (from the introduction to the catechism of the new apostolic church). – when and what do you confess”, that was the introduction to the workshop, which the apostle wilhelm hoyer and dieter prause moderated at the icc 2014. nacworld spoke to the apostle hoyer afterwards. […]. september 27, 2014
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the new apostolic church draws a positive conclusion: the icc was a successful festival of faith! munich/zurich. the first ever international church convention of the new apostolic church came to an end on sunday evening. blessed with beaming sunshine and, for the most part, high summer temperatures, christians from many parts of the world celebrated their faith with great enthusiasm over the space of three days. some 50,000 participants assembled in […]. june 13, 2014
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ecumenism – not a controversial topic after all? munich/zurich. ecumenism – not a controversial topic for new apostolic christians after all? that was certainly the impression that emerged during an important panel discussion at the international church convention in munich on the subject of the one-year anniversary of the new apostolic catechism. panel discussion on the topic of ecumenism photo: nak süd dr. […]. june 12, 2014
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