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no distance is too far. distances, prison walls, social conventions: new apostolic christians do not let anything stop them from looking after their brothers and sisters in faith and experiencing fellowship. here is a look at congregational life worldwide. 11 08 2023
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all generations are actively engaged. not only the ministers and those who have functions in the church are committed, but members of all ages. everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. 09 06 2023
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a place to make music, be safe, and learn. over the next few days, the focus of the new apostolic world will be on cape town in south africa. the chief apostle and the district apostles have gathered in the city for the international district apostles’ meeting. they will conduct divine services, attend a concert in silvertown, and celebrate the birthday of the church on pentecost. 24 05 2023
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good news from around the world. reunions after a pandemic forced break, anniversaries galore, and a youth day chock full of biblical knowledge. these are this week’s news flashes from new apostolic congregations around the globe. 09 03 2023
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carrying the gospel into the world joyfully. this is my church and i am proud to be part of it. this is how many new apostolic christians feel about their church and gladly share their faith by testifying of it in various ways and making it visible to other people. 17 02 2023
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young and active. a new year’s eve get-together for the little ones, hiking with the confirmands, and countrywide youth days: there is always something going on for our young sisters and brothers. here is what our children and young people around world have been up to over the last weeks. 03 02 2023
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development and teaching in the new apostolic church. school is not the only place where one can learn something. one can also do so in church. tomorrow, 24 january is the international day of education. here are a few examples how the new apostolic church is involved in teaching its members. 23 01 2023
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funds for our own ranks. the swiss aid organisation nak-diakonia wants to help especially new apostolic people who are in need, as well as ministers and functionaries within the church. but when disasters strike the foundation helps where help is needed, irrespective of the religion. 12 01 2023
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community 1/2023: some things new plus some tried and true for the new year. yes, the concept is already a little older now: the member magazine known as community has already been around for eight years. nevertheless, it is not yet long in the tooth by any means, and still contains a great deal of new and valuable material. as usual, there is a lot of exciting content to discover in the latest issue. 02 01 2023
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music is at home everywhere. in many congregations, singing has resumed and so have concerts. here is a small overview of concerts and workshops in different parts of the world, showcasing that music is a universal language that speaks to the soul. 25 11 2022
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at home worldwide: celebrating god’s goodness. divine services are usually conducted twice a week in the new apostolic church, and every divine service is special. but some services still have that certain something extra. 13 10 2022
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together in christ: living and experiencing it. this was the theme of a three-day youth event for which the young people from italy, austria, switzerland, and parts of france gathered at the beginning of september. different activities took place in four camps, culminating in a joint youth service in fribourg in switzerland. 04 10 2022
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working in community—the next generation gets down to work. learning to master fellowship takes practice at an early age: children cross borders, students help craft the church of the future, and a youth summit advertises for the church with music. 09 09 2022
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singing to the glory of god. whether young or old, many people love to make music. music brings people together and it can create peace. the language of music is an international one and is understood across the world. 11 08 2022
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questions about the future? ask god! no one can see into the future, except god. but we can all plan for tomorrow. this is something that new apostolic congregations do by minimising their impact on the environment, by being there for the upcoming generations, or seeing to sustainable development. 05 08 2022
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“something very beautiful came of this, beyond the music”. music creates bonds. this is something that four choirs and orchestras from france and germany can testify to. here is an excerpt to mark world friendship day on 30 july. 30 07 2022
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at home worldwide: together in christ. worldwide, covid made getting together in the congregation almost impossible. now that the restrictions have been relaxed, people are excited that they can finally see each other again and do things together. 08 07 2022
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pentecost 2022 in buenos aires. politically, economically, culturally, and ecclesiastically: the heart of argentina beats in buenos aires. this is where the leaders of the new apostolic regional churches from all over the world will be meeting for their pentecost council starting today. 01 06 2022
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