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Unleashing the potential of young people
Whether young people do something for the congregation or something is done for them, they are important because they are the future of the Church.
25 04 2022

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Connecting the youth
It was to be specifically for young people. That was the idea that District Apostle Norberto Batista announced in 2007 when he decided to launch a magazine for his working area. And it is still produced for the youth, every month anew.
11 04 2022

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Reasons to celebrate
Although there is a lot of suffering in the world, people also have reasons to celebrate—some more, some less, and sometimes for no particular reason at all.
10 02 2022

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A slightly different shoebox story
Ralf Pilgrim, an Evangelist, has been the rector of the Bad Harzburg congregation in Germany since the end of September 2021. He only moved there with his family in 2020, but he has known the congregation for longer…
10 01 2022

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community 1/2022: A joint effort
Divine services with the Chief Apostle, reports from various congregations, and a Bible story for children… community, the magazine of the New Apostolic Church, is published quarterly. On it is featured as a digital edition, and many countries print the magazine.
03 01 2022

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2021: Ministry, women, and the Bible
Now that we’ve covered the question of what, it’s time to tackle the question of who: expanding on our understanding of the concept of ministry was also high on the Church’s list of things to do in 2021. And some initial answers have indeed been found since, along with a detailed roadmap for the rest of the journey.
29 12 2021

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There’s a place for you here too
Since 2015, members of the New Apostolic Church have been smiling at passers-by from display cases outside our churches. Starting next year, sisters and brothers will still be shown, but only as silhouettes. The project manager explains the idea behind this.
09 11 2021

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Young people in action
Confirmation events, youth conventions, youth meetings. Many young people are getting together in spite of the pandemic to have fun together, experience their faith, or to do good. Here is a look at those who are helping to shape the future of the Church.
28 10 2021

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Pen pals become brothers
In 1960 a high school student from Germany wrote to the US Shipping Line in Tokyo. Eleven years later, the first New Apostolic congregation was established in Japan. This year, the New Apostolic Church celebrates its 50-year anniversary in Japan.
14 10 2021

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Music is my life
“Tina im Kirchturm”—in English: “Tina in the church tower”: this is the name of a series that has been running on YouTube since January 2021. There, a budding music teacher from the Hannover South congregation in Germany posts music videos for children, to which they can sing and dance along.
13 09 2021

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Young people defy the corona virus
The last youth event together—in many places it has already been one and a half years since then. The joy of reunion is all the greater when a local gathering becomes possible again—even if it comes with many protective measures.
03 09 2021

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A look back and more
This week we take a look at an anniversary in Australia and a campaign for a better future. There certainly are reasons to celebrate, but there are also always moments to pause and reflect and pray for others.
30 07 2021

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Fostering friendship on the other side of the world
A friend in need is a friend indeed. This is something our brothers and sisters in El Bolsón were able to experience first-hand. And they made more than just one new friend—it was more like 120 friends all at once. Following is a story well suited to the International Day of Friendship, which is observed on 30 July.
29 07 2021

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Pastoral care survey: women for women
Is there a need for women in pastoral care? There sure is! This is the conclusion reached by an official work group in the New Apostolic Church Western Germany—and the group has concrete figures to demonstrate the need for a response to this demand in the congregations.
13 07 2021

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Rays of hope amidst the pandemic
People across the world are suffering as the pandemic drags on, whether it is physically, financially, or mentally. How beautiful when charity is not just an expression, but is manifested in action. Here is how brothers and sisters have helped each other.
04 06 2021

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Pastoral care (09): reaching out to the youth
“Shaping the future of the Church” can be achieved by those who win young Christians over to be active in the Church, says Chief Apostle Schneider. Following are some thoughts on the challenges, the opportunities, and a win-win situation.
19 01 2021

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Donors focus more on projects
The donors of the aid organisation human aktiv are making more targeted donations. This is reflected in the recently published financial report for 2019 by the institution of the New Apostolic Church Southern Germany.
21 12 2020

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At home worldwide: learning, giving, rethinking
Things never stay the same for long. This applies to many areas of life, also when it comes to church. Here are three stories on learning, giving, and rethinking.
09 12 2020
unleashing the potential of young people. whether young people do something for the congregation or something is done for them, they are important because they are the future of the church. 25 04 2022
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connecting the youth. it was to be specifically for young people. that was the idea that district apostle norberto batista announced in 2007 when he decided to launch a magazine for his working area. and it is still produced for the youth, every month anew. 11 04 2022
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reasons to celebrate. although there is a lot of suffering in the world, people also have reasons to celebrate—some more, some less, and sometimes for no particular reason at all. 10 02 2022
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a slightly different shoebox story. ralf pilgrim, an evangelist, has been the rector of the bad harzburg congregation in germany since the end of september 2021. he only moved there with his family in 2020, but he has known the congregation for longer… 10 01 2022
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community 1/2022: a joint effort. divine services with the chief apostle, reports from various congregations, and a bible story for children… community, the magazine of the new apostolic church, is published quarterly. on it is featured as a digital edition, and many countries print the magazine. 03 01 2022
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2021: ministry, women, and the bible. now that we’ve covered the question of what, it’s time to tackle the question of who: expanding on our understanding of the concept of ministry was also high on the church’s list of things to do in 2021. and some initial answers have indeed been found since, along with a detailed roadmap for the rest of the journey. 29 12 2021
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there’s a place for you here too. since 2015, members of the new apostolic church have been smiling at passers-by from display cases outside our churches. starting next year, sisters and brothers will still be shown, but only as silhouettes. the project manager explains the idea behind this. 09 11 2021
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young people in action. confirmation events, youth conventions, youth meetings. many young people are getting together in spite of the pandemic to have fun together, experience their faith, or to do good. here is a look at those who are helping to shape the future of the church. 28 10 2021
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pen pals become brothers. in 1960 a high school student from germany wrote to the us shipping line in tokyo. eleven years later, the first new apostolic congregation was established in japan. this year, the new apostolic church celebrates its 50-year anniversary in japan. 14 10 2021
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music is my life. “tina im kirchturm”—in english: “tina in the church tower”: this is the name of a series that has been running on youtube since january 2021. there, a budding music teacher from the hannover south congregation in germany posts music videos for children, to which they can sing and dance along. 13 09 2021
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young people defy the corona virus. the last youth event together—in many places it has already been one and a half years since then. the joy of reunion is all the greater when a local gathering becomes possible again—even if it comes with many protective measures. 03 09 2021
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a look back and more. this week we take a look at an anniversary in australia and a campaign for a better future. there certainly are reasons to celebrate, but there are also always moments to pause and reflect and pray for others. 30 07 2021
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fostering friendship on the other side of the world. a friend in need is a friend indeed. this is something our brothers and sisters in el bolsón were able to experience first-hand. and they made more than just one new friend—it was more like 120 friends all at once. following is a story well suited to the international day of friendship, which is observed on 30 july. 29 07 2021
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pastoral care survey: women for women. is there a need for women in pastoral care? there sure is! this is the conclusion reached by an official work group in the new apostolic church western germany—and the group has concrete figures to demonstrate the need for a response to this demand in the congregations. 13 07 2021
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rays of hope amidst the pandemic. people across the world are suffering as the pandemic drags on, whether it is physically, financially, or mentally. how beautiful when charity is not just an expression, but is manifested in action. here is how brothers and sisters have helped each other. 04 06 2021
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pastoral care (09): reaching out to the youth. “shaping the future of the church” can be achieved by those who win young christians over to be active in the church, says chief apostle schneider. following are some thoughts on the challenges, the opportunities, and a win-win situation. 19 01 2021
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donors focus more on projects. the donors of the aid organisation human aktiv are making more targeted donations. this is reflected in the recently published financial report for 2019 by the institution of the new apostolic church southern germany. 21 12 2020
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at home worldwide: learning, giving, rethinking. things never stay the same for long. this applies to many areas of life, also when it comes to church. here are three stories on learning, giving, and rethinking. 09 12 2020
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