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doing good in the middle of a war. one hundred and forty-one days into the russian attack on ukraine, the solidarity of the new apostolic congregations in europe is still huge. private individuals, congregations, and aid organisations are doing their best to help. 15 07 2022
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the sacraments (56): the rise of christ’s descent into hell. god wants to help all human beings, both the living and the dead. this conviction can already be found among the earliest christians and is confirmed by the biblical motif of christ’s descent into the realm of the dead—and corroborates the new apostolic concept of the departed. 09 06 2022
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god’s great love and our response to it. the sacrifice of jesus, as cruel as it was, shows god’s unconditional love for his children. and the best way for the believers to respond is to love back. that was the content of the chief apostle’s sermon on good friday. 27 04 2022
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good friday: eli, eli, lama sabachthani. the friday before easter is a silent day. anyone who has ever had to cope with grief and loss knows how good silence can be. jesus’ companions were also in mourning. they had had to look on as their master was tortured, crucified, and killed. they were right there and witnessed these barbaric acts… 15 04 2022
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death and life. life is followed by death. jesus reversed this equation. a few days after his death, he came back alive. an apparent defeat became a victory. 14 04 2022
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“you are my friends!”. the month of april is characterised by three major celebrations, namely palm sunday, good friday, and easter. the new apostolic congregations will hear bible readings, special music, and sermons that are based on this special context. 30 03 2022
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the weekly update. changing youtube channels and upcoming services on good friday… here is this week’s update on the central video services offered by the new apostolic church. 18 03 2022
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worldwide online services. as covid-19 cases rise, especially in western europe, people are beginning to stay home more again. however, a small trip around the world is possible even from home these days, and even during church services. 26 11 2021
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tears of sorrow, tears of joy. joy and sadness often exist side by side. while some can come together and celebrate again, others are struggling to come to terms with destruction. let’s pray for all. 23 07 2021
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the greatest declaration of love. how wonderful it would be if there were a love that never stops and forgives everything? this is the kind of unconditional affection that people long for. here is a good friday sermon on extraordinary manifestations of love and the human pitfalls. 05 05 2021
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an “i” that makes you think. suffering—hoping, being lonely—having friends: seldom in the year do these contrasts become more apparent than between good friday and easter. and already for the second time, this period has been dominated by a pandemic that has now claimed the lives of over 2.7 million people. 05 04 2021
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good friday: paid in full. sometimes a few words suffice to explain a complicated matter. and sometimes even a single word is enough! one with a particularly powerful meaning. can good friday be explained in one word? it is worth a try. 02 04 2021
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the weekly update. changing youtube channels and upcoming services on good friday… here is this week’s update on the central video services offered by the new apostolic church. 26 03 2021
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a fast with a pleasant aftertaste. first comes mardi gras—the tuesday preceding lent (also known as shrove tuesday)—then ash wednesday, and then lent: a period that stretches all the way to easter on the calendar. it is not about food deprivation per se, but primarily about introspection, a deeper look into one’s own heart. 17 02 2021
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welcome to the virtual church. part of our congregational and church life has moved online because of covid-19. here is a look at some of the means used and what online offers are available this coming sunday in terms of divine services. 19 06 2020
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why good friday is indeed a good friday. good friday is definitely not a bad day. actually, only hopeful christians can understand this turn of phrase. for good friday, after all, is the day of the lord’s death, but with his death christ also made new life possible. perspectives of a special kind. 09 04 2020
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grief is sometimes hard to cope with. passion means suffering—enduring suffering. these days, more than ever, it seems that people have a sense of what it means to suffer. grief and sorrow and a yearning for better times has taken hold of us. join us for a look forward. 03 04 2020
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community 2/2020: something for everybody. stories from the bible and news from the congregations, as well as insights into our church doctrine … over the next few days, some 200,000 families across the globe will receive their printed copy of the new edition of community. here is a preview of the online issue. 01 04 2020
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