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Good Friday

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Gratitude – service – Holy Communion: the focus of our sermons in March
According to the liturgical calendar, Christians are currently observing Lent, a period of fasting and penitence that ends shortly before Easter. Soon we will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, reason enough to reflect on all that God means to us and does for us.
03 03 2020
Good Friday

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A whirlwind of a weekend in Bogotá and Lima
Travelling to individual countries can certainly be strenuous, especially if the responsible District Apostle has announced his visit to congregations that are quite distant from one another. It is on just such a weekend in Colombia and Peru with District Apostle Leonard Kolb that Bishop Manfredo Stegmann reports.
06 02 2020
Good Friday

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The beginning of something new
Jesus entered Jerusalem, and of all things on the back of a donkey. For many of those who witnessed this it was outrageous. After all, the people had been expecting the Messiah, who had been announced as a king. And now this!? By the end of the week, Jesus Christ will have been killed.
13 04 2019
Good Friday

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The seven messages for Good Friday
Good Friday is a profound day in its quiet solemnity. It is filled with emotions. It is peaceful, but also depressing. Jesus’ death on the cross puts us to shame. All He wanted was to bring peace and make the world a better place. And where was the gratitude for it?
29 03 2018