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A church building with character
It’s official: the building of the New Apostolic Church in Eppendorf is one of the most remarkable buildings in Hamburg, Germany. It has lots of stories to tell, for example, about the new organ, the moving altar, or the little piece of their church that people can carry around.
18 07 2023

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A lifework of reforms
“If we want to preserve what we have, we will have to change many things,” was the guiding principle of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who died ten years ago today on 30 June 2013. Many of the innovations today can be traced back to his initiative.
30 06 2023

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In word and deed and a good dose of humour
He was a man of words and action. Who this was? District Apostle Karl Kühnle. Today he would have been one hundred years old. Today we pay tribute to a Swabian who set out to bring his faith to Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula.
14 02 2023

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“Bethel I’ll raise”
When people are up to their necks, they usually clutch at straws. But in the case of Jacob, one of the three patriarchs of ancient Judaism, it was not merely a bit of straw, but a full-fledged ladder reaching into heaven. Here are some thoughts about images that can speak volumes.
05 10 2022

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Happy moments behind the numbers
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a great deal of suffering to many people. On the other hand, NAK-Humanitas, the non-profit foundation of the New Apostolic Church Switzerland, managed to do some good. The recently published 2021 annual report not only provides numbers, but also gives some insight into the moments of happiness behind them.
14 09 2022

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Fellowship in name, doctrine, and structure
The "father of unity" was followed by the organiser and protector of New Apostolic unity, namely Chief Apostle Hermann Niehaus. On 23 August 2022, we mark the 90th anniversary of his passing. This is the story of how the erstwhile farmer cultivated the church field.
23 08 2022