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His mission: to protect and keep

He led the New Apostolic Church out of a crisis and brought it forward. Chief Apostle Walter Schmidt would have celebrated his 125th birthday today. How did he cope with this crisis? An attempt at an explanation. 1929: Ordination as Priest by Chief Apostle Niehaus Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW 1946: Ordination as Apostle by Chief […]

December 21, 2016

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Casamance, a New Apostolic stronghold in Senegal

The region known as Casamance is the breadbasket of Senegal. Some 15,000 New Apostolic Christians live in this fertile region. When Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visits the city of Sédhiou in Casamance in February 2017, it will only be the second visit of a Chief Apostle to the country ever. Members after a divine service […]

November 28, 2016

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The language of the heart

Music speaks to the soul—in joy as well as in sorrow. Our review this week looks at a choral competition, a choir practice, a memorial service, and a wedding anniversary. Divine service under police protection Photo: NAC Mali Divine service under police protection Photo: NAC Mali Divine service under police protection Photo: NAC Mali Seven […]

November 25, 2016

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Between here and there

Joy and sorrow are never far apart. Remembering the departed bridges the gap between this life and the afterlife. News from around the New Apostolic world about premières and farewells. Service for the departed: devotional in Frankfurt Photo: Jens Fischer Lydia leaves audience thrilled Photo: NAK Nordost/IME Lydia leaves audience thrilled Photo: NAK Nordost/IME Lydia […]

November 11, 2016

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Batista – memories of a much admired man of God

Ten years ago today, Norberto Rubén Batista was ordained a District Apostle. Only two years later he passed away suddenly due to heart failure. He was liked and admired by many in the Church in South America. A retrospective. Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: […]

November 5, 2016

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Mourning and comforting together

All interested parties are invited: the New Apostolic congregations in the German-speaking regions of the world will be open to the public for a service for the departed on Sunday, 6 November 2016. The preparations are already underway. Photo: NAK International Photo: NAK International Photo: NAK International Photo: NAK International Photo: NAK International For Chief […]

September 27, 2016

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Restoring order in difficult times

He wanted no monument: New Apostolic Christians in Indonesia paid their last respects to their former District Apostle Alfons Tansahtikno. Following is a look back on the life of a man of God who was as strong as he was independent. Photo: NAC Indonesia Photo: NAC Indonesia Photo: NAC Indonesia Photo: NAC Indonesia Photo: NAC […]

September 22, 2016

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Grief counselling: a demanding task

In principle, anyone can help a person who is coping with grief: the important thing is to be there, listen, and empathize. But there are also specially mandated grief counsellors with appropriate training for this task. In the District Churches of Germany there are now corresponding certification courses. Photo: DDRockstar – Fotolia Photo: Jürgen Jakob […]

July 26, 2016

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At home worldwide: sincere sympathy – a course for correspondents – a joyful encounter

The world knows both: joy and sorrow. Following the mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, with fifty dead, the Church has expressed shock and deep sadness. We also take a look at a training programme for correspondents that took place in South America and at the national youth convention in Ukraine. Remembering Orlando […]

June 17, 2016

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Mourning and comfort in Brussels

Three days after the terror attacks, Apostle Clément Haeck celebrated the Easter divine service with his brothers and sisters in Brussels: comfort and gratitude inside the church, police sirens outside on the street. Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel The congregation in Brussels had been noted in his divine […]

March 29, 2016

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Mourning and comfort in Brussels

Three days after the terror attacks, Apostle Clément Haeck celebrated the Easter divine service with his brothers and sisters in Brussels: comfort and gratitude inside the church, police sirens outside on the street. Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel Photo: ENA Brussel The congregation in Brussels had been noted in his divine […]

March 29, 2016

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In the beginning was the logo

What is a logo? It is a graphic sign that represents an organization or individuals—making them unmistakable. A logo is part of the identity that is carried outside. But what does a logo contain? We asked. “To translate the Chief Apostle’s motto for this year into a logo, I used blue as the dominant colour. […]

February 22, 2016

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Sharing their vast experience

Working with the talents one has received, and not burying them. This also applies to the many years of experience of retired ministers. An initiative was started by the Church in South Africa on how retired ministers can coach active ministers. Retired ministers as coaches Photo: NAC Southeast Africa Apostolic Community rents church building Photo: […]

February 19, 2016

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Pastoral care means compassion and being there

Pastoral care should not just remain a concept. It has to be practised in order to be experienced. Pastoral care goes to heart and it takes an active interest especially in the bad moments of peoples’ lives. Such as in Taiwan after the earthquake or when congregations are scattered and regular divine services are not […]

February 11, 2016

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The motivating force for ministers

What do church districts and cars have in common? Both need a motor. This is something the Chief Apostle illustrated on his recent trip to Africa where he ordained a total of eleven new Apostles. Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC […]

February 8, 2016

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Neighbourly love instead of xenophobia

“The stranger is your neighbour!” This was one of the core messages from Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider over the past year. And—even in times of terrorism and war, waves of immigration, and xenophobia—this also remains our mission for the new year. After the terror attacks in Paris Photo: Wolfgang Pohlan After the terror attacks in […]

January 1, 2016

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A man who blazed new trails

“It can never be said that the Apostle was a coward. I risked everything to help in the quick movement and furtherance of the Church work.” These words were written by the Chief Apostle’s right hand: Apostle Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff. Fifty years ago today he passed away. Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC […]

November 20, 2015