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Holy Communion

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Holy Communion

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Love, truth, unity: the weapons of God

Gideon did not need a huge army to win his battle. His sharpest weapons were his faith and his trust in God. Read on to find out why he is an example to follow, and not just for ministers. Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney “I […]

08 06 2022
Holy Communion

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When the form of divine service changed

A church? Well, it was rather two centres with very different cultures. One man brought the two ends together and laid many additional foundations. Friedrich Wilhelm Menkhoff was called as an Apostle 150 years ago. Friedrich Wilhelm Menkhoff was born on 2 February 1826 in Wallenbrück (Germany). This is a portrait of him as a […]

18 05 2022
Holy Communion

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Thinking, feeling, and speaking clearly

Clarify things between the two of you, just you and God, openly and honestly without any go-betweens. You will find what you have lost. This is the invitation the Chief Apostle extended recently, not because he is paid to do it, but out of love. Photo: Marcel Bock Photo: Marcel Bock Photo: Marcel Bock Photo: […]

11 05 2022
Holy Communion

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The Sacraments (54): The chances in the hereafter

Sacraments for the departed? That only makes sense if people can still change in death. Judging by the teachings of their church, the majority of Christians believe in a chance in the afterlife. But there are big differences between the churches. What is the beyond like? Dark and gloomy, that at least is the original […]

26 04 2022
Holy Communion

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Seven angles of looking at the cross

Recognising that you need help and knowing who can help is a good start to solving a problem—and even more so the basis for eternal redemption. Yet there are even more useful ways of looking up to the cross. Photo: NAC Accra Photo: NAC Accra Photo: NAC Accra Photo: NAC Accra Photo: NAC Accra Photo: […]

20 04 2022
Holy Communion

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Spotlight 6/2022: Together at the table of the Lord

It is a beautiful picture: Jesus is sitting at the table with His disciples and passes the cup to His neighbour, who passes it on to his neighbour, and so on until all have drunk from it. For District Apostle Mark Woll from Canada this is a concrete idea that is connected to our motto […]

18 04 2022
Holy Communion

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We have a Saviour

Passiontide is not a sad time. After all, Jesus paved the way into the kingdom of God for us with His sacrifice. What we still have to do to be able enter it, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider recently developed in a divine service. Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland […]

05 04 2022
Holy Communion

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“You are my friends!”

The month of April is characterised by three major celebrations, namely Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. The New Apostolic congregations will hear Bible readings, special music, and sermons that are based on this special context. The three religious holidays mentioned commemorate significant events in the life of Jesus and important phases of salvation history. […]

30 03 2022
Holy Communion

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The sacraments (52): Not only here, but also in the beyond!

The dead are not truly dead—at least not for God. For God there is no dividing line between life on earth and life in the hereafter. That is what Christians believe, and that is also what the Bible states. Here is an overview of how sacramental acts are dispensed for the dead. We read in […]

28 03 2022
Holy Communion

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A created being emulating his Creator

“I am a Christian (which can be deduced from my stories),” says the man whose tales revolve around magicians and all sorts of other mythical creatures. In commemoration of a very special anniversary, we explore what the Lord of the Rings and the rest of his body of work has to do with Christianity. With […]

24 03 2022
Holy Communion

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“I will stick with You in spite of everything!”

Jesus the good shepherd, various folds in different stables, and the search for the lost sheep… The Chief Apostle recently developed this old and well-known biblical image in a surprising new way. Photo: Werner Degenfellner Photo: Werner Degenfellner Photo: Werner Degenfellner Photo: Werner Degenfellner Photo: Werner Degenfellner “And other sheep I have which are not […]

23 03 2022
Holy Communion

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The weekly update

Changing YouTube channels and upcoming services on Good Friday… here is this week’s update on the central video services offered by the New Apostolic Church. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services via YouTube, TV, or IPTV. In many places, members can also dial in, making it possible for everyone to join a […]

18 03 2022
Holy Communion

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Reliable broadcasts

The New Apostolic Church streams divine services in all parts of the world. Everyone is invited to join us for these public online services on YouTube. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services on YouTube, IPTV, or TV. In many places, members can also phone in, making it possible for everyone to join […]

25 02 2022
Holy Communion

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The indomitable power of good

This is material for a Hollywood film. In the caves outside of the city, demons were wreaking havoc. The people were afraid. But Jesus acted and drove out the devil, albeit differently than many thought. After Jesus had calmed the storm, He and the disciples continued their crossing on the Lake of Galilee. On the […]

24 02 2022
Holy Communion

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Touching and being touched

Is it possible to enjoy life and still suffer? Can we experience God with all our senses already here and now? How is either possible? Here are some answers from a divine service full of contradictions. Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Photo: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider paid a surprise visit to […]

16 02 2022
Holy Communion

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The sacraments (50): Baptism in two parts

When asked how a Christian receives the Holy Spirit, the New Apostolic Church’s answer to the question is: through Holy Sealing. Our sacramental understanding and its points of reference in the Bible and in church history are detailed below. The New Apostolic sacraments have their source in the life and activity of Jesus Christ. This […]

15 02 2022
Holy Communion

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One of 1.4 billion

Actually, Lukas wanted to go to Hong Kong or Singapore. But then he was offered a job in Shenzhen, China, after finishing his engineering studies. He told the German magazine spirit what life is like in the world’s most populous country. Photo: Lukas Koesch Photo: Lukas Koesch Photo: Lukas Koesch Photo: Lukas Koesch Photo: Lukas […]

14 02 2022
Holy Communion

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Around the world and round the clock

Who knows what will happen the day after tomorrow? The pandemic has shaken up many plans. One thing, however, is sure and that is the possibility of joining online services again on Sunday. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services on YouTube, IPTV, or TV. In many places, members can also phone in, […]

21 01 2022
love, truth, unity: the weapons of god. gideon did not need a huge army to win his battle. his sharpest weapons were his faith and his trust in god. read on to find out why he is an example to follow, and not just for ministers. photo: nac sydney photo: nac sydney photo: nac sydney photo: nac sydney photo: nac sydney “i […]. 08 06 2022
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when the form of divine service changed. a church? well, it was rather two centres with very different cultures. one man brought the two ends together and laid many additional foundations. friedrich wilhelm menkhoff was called as an apostle 150 years ago. friedrich wilhelm menkhoff was born on 2 february 1826 in wallenbrück (germany). this is a portrait of him as a […]. 18 05 2022
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thinking, feeling, and speaking clearly. clarify things between the two of you, just you and god, openly and honestly without any go-betweens. you will find what you have lost. this is the invitation the chief apostle extended recently, not because he is paid to do it, but out of love. photo: marcel bock photo: marcel bock photo: marcel bock photo: […]. 11 05 2022
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the sacraments (54): the chances in the hereafter. sacraments for the departed? that only makes sense if people can still change in death. judging by the teachings of their church, the majority of christians believe in a chance in the afterlife. but there are big differences between the churches. what is the beyond like? dark and gloomy, that at least is the original […]. 26 04 2022
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seven angles of looking at the cross. recognising that you need help and knowing who can help is a good start to solving a problem—and even more so the basis for eternal redemption. yet there are even more useful ways of looking up to the cross. photo: nac accra photo: nac accra photo: nac accra photo: nac accra photo: nac accra photo: […]. 20 04 2022
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spotlight 6/2022: together at the table of the lord. it is a beautiful picture: jesus is sitting at the table with his disciples and passes the cup to his neighbour, who passes it on to his neighbour, and so on until all have drunk from it. for district apostle mark woll from canada this is a concrete idea that is connected to our motto […]. 18 04 2022
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we have a saviour. passiontide is not a sad time. after all, jesus paved the way into the kingdom of god for us with his sacrifice. what we still have to do to be able enter it, chief apostle jean-luc schneider recently developed in a divine service. photo: nak süddeutschland photo: nak süddeutschland photo: nak süddeutschland photo: nak süddeutschland […]. 05 04 2022
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“you are my friends!”. the month of april is characterised by three major celebrations, namely palm sunday, good friday, and easter. the new apostolic congregations will hear bible readings, special music, and sermons that are based on this special context. the three religious holidays mentioned commemorate significant events in the life of jesus and important phases of salvation history. […]. 30 03 2022
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the sacraments (52): not only here, but also in the beyond! the dead are not truly dead—at least not for god. for god there is no dividing line between life on earth and life in the hereafter. that is what christians believe, and that is also what the bible states. here is an overview of how sacramental acts are dispensed for the dead. we read in […]. 28 03 2022
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a created being emulating his creator. “i am a christian (which can be deduced from my stories),” says the man whose tales revolve around magicians and all sorts of other mythical creatures. in commemoration of a very special anniversary, we explore what the lord of the rings and the rest of his body of work has to do with christianity. with […]. 24 03 2022
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“i will stick with you in spite of everything!”. jesus the good shepherd, various folds in different stables, and the search for the lost sheep… the chief apostle recently developed this old and well-known biblical image in a surprising new way. photo: werner degenfellner photo: werner degenfellner photo: werner degenfellner photo: werner degenfellner photo: werner degenfellner “and other sheep i have which are not […]. 23 03 2022
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the weekly update. changing youtube channels and upcoming services on good friday… here is this week’s update on the central video services offered by the new apostolic church. the new apostolic church offers weekly central video services via youtube, tv, or iptv. in many places, members can also dial in, making it possible for everyone to join a […]. 18 03 2022
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reliable broadcasts. the new apostolic church streams divine services in all parts of the world. everyone is invited to join us for these public online services on youtube. the new apostolic church offers weekly central video services on youtube, iptv, or tv. in many places, members can also phone in, making it possible for everyone to join […]. 25 02 2022
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the indomitable power of good. this is material for a hollywood film. in the caves outside of the city, demons were wreaking havoc. the people were afraid. but jesus acted and drove out the devil, albeit differently than many thought. after jesus had calmed the storm, he and the disciples continued their crossing on the lake of galilee. on the […]. 24 02 2022
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touching and being touched. is it possible to enjoy life and still suffer? can we experience god with all our senses already here and now? how is either possible? here are some answers from a divine service full of contradictions. photo: theo photo: theo photo: theo photo: theo photo: photo: chief apostle jean-luc schneider paid a surprise visit to […]. 16 02 2022
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the sacraments (50): baptism in two parts. when asked how a christian receives the holy spirit, the new apostolic church’s answer to the question is: through holy sealing. our sacramental understanding and its points of reference in the bible and in church history are detailed below. the new apostolic sacraments have their source in the life and activity of jesus christ. this […]. 15 02 2022
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one of 1.4 billion. actually, lukas wanted to go to hong kong or singapore. but then he was offered a job in shenzhen, china, after finishing his engineering studies. he told the german magazine spirit what life is like in the world’s most populous country. photo: lukas koesch photo: lukas koesch photo: lukas koesch photo: lukas koesch photo: lukas […]. 14 02 2022
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around the world and round the clock. who knows what will happen the day after tomorrow? the pandemic has shaken up many plans. one thing, however, is sure and that is the possibility of joining online services again on sunday. the new apostolic church offers weekly central video services on youtube, iptv, or tv. in many places, members can also phone in, […]. 21 01 2022
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