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Holy Sealing

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“Typically New Apostolic”—the legacy of Apostle Schwarz
Like no one else, he influenced the development of a movement that eventually became the New Apostolic Church . Not only because he played a central role in our Church's history, but also because he had a defining impact on a Christian denomination that was still in its infancy at the time: Apostle Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz was born 200 years ago today.
11 04 2015
Holy Sealing

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At home around the world
"It is the same everywhere—only completely different." That is how Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler described our common faith in the gospel in the context of the very different living conditions that prevail from country to country. This week, will also take a look around the globe.
12 03 2015
Holy Sealing

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Divine services for the departed: a New Apostolic specialty
Three times a year, New Apostolic Christians celebrate a divine service in which they remember the departed. Unlike All Souls’ or All Saints’ Day—which are a day of prayer for the dead—this is a Sunday on which the sacraments are administered to the dead. What is behind this?
24 02 2015
Holy Sealing

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The storms of life: “Where is your faith?”
Everybody goes through turbulent times, not only the individual believer but also the Church as a whole. God poses the question: “Where is your faith?” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider gives a number of answers and allows a glimpse of one of the most profound moments of his life.
12 02 2015
Holy Sealing

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Interactive project: Depict the motto “Joy in Christ”!
“Joy in Christ”, the motto of the New Apostolic Church for 2015, is unfolding more and more from service to service. What does it mean for us, what do we connect with it? Join our interactive project and help us illustrate the 2015 motto!
17 01 2015
Holy Sealing

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The liturgy of the New Apostolic Church as of the first Sunday of Advent 2010
Zurich. The liturgy is what orders and governs the sequence of music, prayers, Bible readings, the sermon, and the dispensation of the sacraments within the divine service. With the start of the new church year, a reform will come into effect (we reported) in the New Apostolic Church. The celebration of Holy Communion in particular is to be structured in even more dignified fashion through the enriched liturgical elements. Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, the international Church leader, explained that the new liturgy is intended to bring greater solemnity to the sequence of the divine service.
03 11 2010
Holy Sealing

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The creed of the New Apostolic Church has been revised
Zurich. As of today the ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church will appear in revised format. By commission of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, a Work Group has revised the New Apostolic creed. Concerning this, the international Church leader states: “On account of changes to some doctrinal statements, such as, for example, our understanding of Holy Baptism, a revision had become necessary.” The Chief Apostle goes on to mention that a more specific formulation had become necessary in many of these statements. The basic structure of the Articles of Faith remains unchanged however.
21 05 2010
Holy Sealing

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A prayer at the grave of the English Apostles
Zurich/London. During the afternoon of their first session at the European District Apostle Meeting, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber and the European District Apostles made an excursion to Albury. This small town in the county of Surrey, some 50 kilometres outside of London, was the hub of the Catholic Apostolic movement at the start of the nineteenth century. The Church leaders gathered for an emotional prayer at the grave of Apostle Carlyle.
07 05 2010