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Holy Sealing

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The Chief Apostle in Thailand
On his visit to Thailand, the Chief Apostle will be taking a trip into the future. This is because the Buddhist calendar is several years ahead of the Christian calendar. But before we look at the events coming up this weekend, we will take a journey back in time to the beginnings of the New Apostolic Church in Thailand.
12 03 2024
Holy Sealing

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High above the city—the centre of the congregation
You can’t help but notice it: Argentina’s Eldorado Km 9 church is located high above the city and features a unique mixture of various styles and time periods. Built by the members themselves, it has always been a mighty fortress through the years, and this year it celebrates its 85-year anniversary.
19 02 2024
Holy Sealing

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Examining our vow to God
Baptism, Holy Sealing, confirmation … Many of us made our vow to God a long time ago. And that is why it is important to examine ourselves and see where we stand today in terms of the promise we made. The Chief Apostle recently explained in a divine service which vows this applies to and how we should examine ourselves.
06 09 2023
Holy Sealing

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Ministery (35): Receiving the sacrament at the altar
Did the New Apostolic Deaconesses of the early decades carry a spiritual ministry or not? Before we can answer this we have to clear up two further questions. First, were the women ordained? And secondly, what were their duties? Here is the current state of research.
22 08 2023
Holy Sealing

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Eighty years ago: the bombing of Dortmund
The name Magney is well-known in New Apostolic circles in Germany: there were two Apostles with that name. The younger of the two was confirmed by the older one some eighty years ago. And the older Magney died in a bombing raid eighty years ago today. Today we pay tribute to a pioneer.
05 05 2023