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Holy Sealing

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In word and deed and a good dose of humour
He was a man of words and action. Who this was? District Apostle Karl Kühnle. Today he would have been one hundred years old. Today we pay tribute to a Swabian who set out to bring his faith to Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula.
14 02 2023
Holy Sealing

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The sacraments (67): A story behind every sentence
Three years and 66 parts later… The series on the sacraments has given us a lot of food for thought on theology and history in general and on New Apostolic specialties in particular. As a final instalment, here is an overview with dozens of links.
13 12 2022
Holy Sealing

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The sheer will to help defies the threat of war
It feels as though the war is closing in. Yet the people already have so little to live on. Despite their own hardship, however, the people in the Republic of Moldova are helping Ukrainian refugees in any way they can. This is the situation of the brothers and sisters whom the Chief Apostle will be visiting this weekend.
24 11 2022
Holy Sealing

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How a pioneer drew attention to his cause
It is 1972: a tall man in a black suit sits in the park and waits. At some point someone comes up to talk to him. Their conversation marks the beginning of the New Apostolic Church in the Philippines. Today our members there look back on fifty years of Church history while also looking forward to the anniversary celebration.
11 10 2022
Holy Sealing

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The sacraments (64): Where the love of God breaks through
It has been called the structural law of biblical salvation history: the principle of substitution. Even the New Apostolic Church’s understanding of salvation for the departed is founded upon this. Following is the story of where the fundamental model originates—and where it ultimately leads.
06 10 2022
Holy Sealing

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When children make a scene
Children in Ghana perform some theatre, a District Apostle celebrates six divine services in a single week in Argentina, and the members in the Philippines take delight at the visit of their District Apostle. Let’s take a trip around the world with the online magazine of the New Apostolic Church.
26 08 2022
Holy Sealing

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Fellowship in name, doctrine, and structure
The "father of unity" was followed by the organiser and protector of New Apostolic unity, namely Chief Apostle Hermann Niehaus. On 23 August 2022, we mark the 90th anniversary of his passing. This is the story of how the erstwhile farmer cultivated the church field.
23 08 2022
Holy Sealing

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The sacraments (61): Three times a year for all
It looks no different than usual: Apostles dispense the sacraments—this time to two designated ministers—and the congregation stands and prays along silently. And yet, this is a highly solemn moment that has touched the faithful for generations.
16 08 2022
Holy Sealing

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The sacraments (59): For the departed under the hands of the Apostles
Can the departed receive salvation too? The question is as old as Christianity itself. The answer of the New Apostolic Church is not even all that new—and nevertheless, it is unusual. Here is the story of how the sacraments for the departed came to be dispensed.
21 07 2022
Holy Sealing

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More than preaching: the work of the Apostles
Jesus ascended to heaven, and the churches changed. It was an awkward time for the first Christians. However, the Apostles continued to carry out their work. What these tasks were and what they mean for us today, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explained in a divine service.
22 06 2022