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Ministery (35): Receiving the sacrament at the altar
Did the New Apostolic Deaconesses of the early decades carry a spiritual ministry or not? Before we can answer this we have to clear up two further questions. First, were the women ordained? And secondly, what were their duties? Here is the current state of research.
22 08 2023

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A church building with character
It’s official: the building of the New Apostolic Church in Eppendorf is one of the most remarkable buildings in Hamburg, Germany. It has lots of stories to tell, for example, about the new organ, the moving altar, or the little piece of their church that people can carry around.
18 07 2023

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Ministry (32): Done rather than thought out
This much is clear: in areas where the Bible is not clear, it will be sorted out by the Church. This then gives rise to the next question regarding the matter of the ordination of women: how were things sorted out until now? The answer: in a variety of ways and based on weak arguments.
13 07 2023

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community 3/2023: Discovering a whole world between the lines
A world trip without an airplane? You don’t even have to leave home for it. Let the new issue of community show you around. Following in the footsteps of the Chief Apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine service, wherever they choose to read the magazine.
03 07 2023

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From secretary to District Apostle Helper
Switzerland will now also receive a District Apostle Helper. He has been designated to succeed District Apostle Jürg Zbinden. This is the fourth such assignment in a short period of time. The designated successor is a Swiss national and already works for the New Apostolic Church Switzerland.
16 06 2023

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Ministry (30): Contradictions make it into a matter of order
What about the position of women in the early Christian churches? The biblical findings are riddled with contradictions. How does the New Apostolic Church see this? Here is the second interim conclusion on the question of what the New Testament says about the ordination of women.
12 06 2023

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Ministry (29): For want of a doctrine it becomes a question of order
Jesus, women, and the apostolate… While the biblical findings are indisputable, they do not provide clear answers. How does the New Apostolic Church treat this? Here is the first interim conclusion on the question of what the New Testament says about the ordination of women.
11 05 2023