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Labour with love: the year 2014 in review (Part 2)
Even after the International Church Convention in Munich, which was the highlight for many, there were a lot of other happenings in the New Apostolic Church worldwide. Some of the important and interesting highlights from the second half of the year were as follows.
31 01 2015

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Labour with love: the year 2014 in review (Part 1)
We still carry last year’s motto in our hearts. But what else happened throughout the New Apostolic world in 2014? Following is a look at the happenings around the world in the first half of 2014.
29 01 2015

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Interactive project: Depict the motto “Joy in Christ”!
“Joy in Christ”, the motto of the New Apostolic Church for 2015, is unfolding more and more from service to service. What does it mean for us, what do we connect with it? Join our interactive project and help us illustrate the 2015 motto!
17 01 2015

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Light after darkness
Comfort and solace was offered in a recent concert by the Wilhelmshaven Chamber Choir. It was given in memory of the tsunami in South-East Asia ten years ago. How did those affected by the tsunami, either directly or as helpers, experience the disaster? Following are some personal accounts.
08 01 2015

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Central and Northern Germany to grow together
Gifhorn/Zurich. The New Apostolic Church in Central Germany and Northern Germany will grow into a new District Apostle district in 2016. This was the news that the incumbent Central German District Apostle Wilfried Klingler shared with the congregation of Gifhorn, from where last Sunday’s Thanksgiving service was transmitted throughout the entire District Apostle district by satellite.
11 10 2014

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Interview with Apostle Hoyer: “Profess the faith” and “The Catechism – questions and answers”
"The Christian faith is intended to be shared with others" (from the introduction to the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church). - When and what do you confess", that was the introduction to the workshop, which the Apostle Wilhelm Hoyer and Dieter Prause moderated at the ICC 2014. nacworld spoke to the Apostle Hoyer afterwards.
27 09 2014