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New Year

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Labour with love: the year 2014 in review (Part 1)
We still carry last year’s motto in our hearts. But what else happened throughout the New Apostolic world in 2014? Following is a look at the happenings around the world in the first half of 2014.
29 01 2015
New Year

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Interactive project: Depict the motto “Joy in Christ”!
“Joy in Christ”, the motto of the New Apostolic Church for 2015, is unfolding more and more from service to service. What does it mean for us, what do we connect with it? Join our interactive project and help us illustrate the 2015 motto!
17 01 2015
New Year

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“Labour in love!” – The new motto for 2014
Zurich. The new year 2014 has a new motto: “Labour in love!” In his divine service on New Year’s Day in Stuttgart, Germany, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, the spiritual leader of the New Apostolic Church, used the words of the Lord Jesus as an appeal to all Christians to make a special profession of faith: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
04 01 2014
New Year

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The anniversary year of the New Apostolic Church comes to an end
Zurich. The past year 2013 was an anniversary year for the New Apostolic Church. It was celebrated with numerous national and international events. Having emerged in 1863 from a small Catholic Apostolic congregation in Hamburg, Germany, the New Apostolic Church today numbers over ten million members around the world. New Apostolic Christians gather to worship in over 60,000 congregations. Following are some excerpts from a year in motion.
31 12 2013
New Year

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Chief Apostle officially ushers in the anniversary year 2013
Zurich/Herford. Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, the international leader of the New Apostolic Church, chose the New Year’s Day divine service in his native city of Herford, Germany to officially usher in the 150-year anniversary of the Church: “The year 2013 is to be a year of profession!” In connection with this he referred to the great accomplishments of previous generations, without which the Church, as it stands today, would be inconceivable.
03 01 2013