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A task for everyone: living reconciliation
The Statement of Reconciliation between the New Apostolic Church and the Apostolic Community (Apostolische Gemeinschaft) in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany is more than an interdenominational act. This was made clear by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. The idea of reconciliation is something that should concern all brothers and sisters.
05 02 2015

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Central and Northern Germany to grow together
Gifhorn/Zurich. The New Apostolic Church in Central Germany and Northern Germany will grow into a new District Apostle district in 2016. This was the news that the incumbent Central German District Apostle Wilfried Klingler shared with the congregation of Gifhorn, from where last Sunday’s Thanksgiving service was transmitted throughout the entire District Apostle district by satellite.
11 10 2014

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New Finance Committee begins its work
Zurich. The first District Apostle Meeting of this year initiated several projects. Among others, the District Apostles resolved to create a new Finance Committee (we reported). It is to aid in bringing about greater transparency for the financial resources expended by the Church in order that the responsibilities for significant operations in the Church can be governed in accordance with the best available knowledge and practices.
08 04 2014

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First copy of the Catechism presented to the Chief Apostle
Zurich/Herzliya. The first print of the New Apostolic Catechism is in the hands of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber: the international Church leader was only too happy to pick up a copy of the extensive work. This brings a year of intensive work to a close, as at least the German-language version of the Catechism is to be published by mid-December. The work is also scheduled for publication in a number of other languages in January of next year.
13 10 2012

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New Chief Apostle Helper to be appointed on Pentecost 2012
Zurich. In the divine service on Pentecost Sunday, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber will appoint a Chief Apostle Helper. “I would like to set an early course for the future,” stated the international Church leader, who will turn 65 this year. The date when he himself will retire remains open—perhaps in 2013 or 2014—however the work of a Chief Apostle Helper will already lighten his load quite perceptibly now.
23 03 2012

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Work on the content of the Catechism is complete
Zurich. At today’s meeting, the International District Apostle Meeting came to a final decision on the German text of the Catechism. This final consultation meeting was also attended by members from the project group The New Apostolic Faith (PG TNF). It was unanimously decided that the current version of the text would be used as the basis for further translations.
17 03 2012

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New Statutes of the New Apostolic Church unanimously approved
Zurich. The International Apostle Meeting on 21 May 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa unanimously ratified a revision to the Statutes (Articles of Association) of the New Apostolic Church International, or NACI for short. In addition to many smaller changes, a so-called Delegates’ Meeting was introduced in order to reduce the costs of these gatherings. In the meantime the revised statutes have been registered with the Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.
26 10 2010

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Festive divine service and fifty-year wedding anniversary in Zurich
Zurich. “I stand before you with a pounding heart” – it was with these words that Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber began his address to the anniversary couple, Sonja and Richard Fehr, as they celebrated their golden wedding. The large festive congregation was thankful and happy that the retired Chief Apostle Fehr had indeed been able to attend this special divine service despite the health impediments that had resulted from his recent stroke.
01 10 2010

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The creed of the New Apostolic Church has been revised
Zurich. As of today the ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church will appear in revised format. By commission of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, a Work Group has revised the New Apostolic creed. Concerning this, the international Church leader states: “On account of changes to some doctrinal statements, such as, for example, our understanding of Holy Baptism, a revision had become necessary.” The Chief Apostle goes on to mention that a more specific formulation had become necessary in many of these statements. The basic structure of the Articles of Faith remains unchanged however.
21 05 2010