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community 2/2023: The joy of fellowship
Church life, doctrinal aspects, and a children’s corner… the latest issue of the community magazine is jam-packed with exciting topics. This edition of the magazine takes its readers to Brazil and South Africa, among other places, and it features the full-text version of the divine service in which the Chief Apostle explained our motto for 2023.
01 04 2023

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community 1/2023: Some things new plus some tried and true for the new year
Yes, the concept is already a little older now: the member magazine known as community has already been around for eight years. Nevertheless, it is not yet long in the tooth by any means, and still contains a great deal of new and valuable material. As usual, there is a lot of exciting content to discover in the latest issue.
02 01 2023

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Coming soon: women in ministry
The year 2022 will go down into the New Apostolic history books. For the very first time, the Church has provided a doctrinal answer to a 160-year-old question. And the resulting decision will begin to take effect in the year 2023—when women will also be given the opportunity to be ordained into ministry.
28 12 2022

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A District Apostle Helper for Western Germany
The new man has already demonstrated leadership qualities: both in the Church and in his working life. He also has pastoral qualities. This is what companions say. They are convinced: the New Apostolic Church Western Germany can look forward to its District Apostle Helper.
06 12 2022