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What the District Apostles talk about

The International District Apostle Meeting in Buenos Aires ended today, two years later than planned. The agenda included a wide variety of topics. Here is an overview. In fact, the conference had been planned in the Argentinian capital already for Pentecost 2020. However, as we all had to learn, the Covid pandemic made such trips […]

June 4, 2022

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Decision-makers at work

Close on two days of hard work. Yesterday and today, the central governing board of the New Apostolic Church, the International District Apostle Meeting, met for discussions. A report on the topics discussed will follow. Here is a look behind the scenes from the photographer’s perspective. Photo: INA Sud América Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter […]

June 4, 2022

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Church for and with children

The greatest wealth of a congregation is its children. This is a treasure that to be cherished and fostered—whether in special services for children or singing together or planting a garden. Here are some inspiring ideas to imitate. Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC […]

June 2, 2022

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District Apostles meet starting today

Everything is ready: the preparations in the conference room were completed yesterday. Today the International District Apostle Meeting will convene here. Discussions will be conducted primarily in English, but also in Spanish and German. Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Simon Heininger Photo: Simon Heininger Photo: Peter Johanning

June 2, 2022

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Pentecost 2022 in Buenos Aires

Politically, economically, culturally, and ecclesiastically: the heart of Argentina beats in Buenos Aires. This is where the leaders of the New Apostolic Regional Churches from all over the world will be meeting for their Pentecost Council starting today. Photo: Anibal Trejo Photo: INA Argentina Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina […]

June 1, 2022

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Authoritative portrayal of our concept of ministry

“The New Apostolic understanding of the spiritual ministry” is the title of the newest special edition of the Divine Service Guide, which is now making its way to the ministers. A reference work also for future questions. The issue, number 2/2022, with a total of 32 pages, summarises the essential statements from the Catechism as […]

May 25, 2022

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Retirement after exactly 45 years

There are times when life presents one with some astonishing coincidences: this Sunday, 22 May 2022, District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny will retire from active ministry. It was on exactly the same day 45 years before that he received his first ministry in the Church. He has led the District Apostle Area of Berlin-Brandenburg for seventeen […]

May 20, 2022

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2021: Ministry, women, and the Bible

Now that we’ve covered the question of what, it’s time to tackle the question of who: expanding on our understanding of the concept of ministry was also high on the Church’s list of things to do in 2021. And some initial answers have indeed been found since, along with a detailed roadmap for the rest […]

December 29, 2021

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Believe, love, and remain focused

What exactly is the mission of the Apostles? Not only did the District Apostle Meeting discuss this question, but the Chief Apostle devoted an entire service to it. For in the answer lies the principal commission given to all believers. Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi […]

December 7, 2021

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“We are doing things at our own pace”

The fall session of the District Apostle Meeting has ended. Prominent topics were our concept of ministry, biblical authorship issues, and a new Guide for Ministers. For many Christian denominations issues of authorship are important. Was the epistle of Paul really written by Paul or by one of his students? Who wrote the gospels? And […]

November 22, 2021

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First news item on day one

Zero tolerance. This is the stance taken by the New Apostolic Church towards sexual abuse and assault. And this is what Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider made clear at the conference of the District Apostles in Zurich, Switzerland. “I want ministers to be absolutely clear on what sexual misconduct can do! They need to know how […]

November 18, 2021

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Mankind: created in the image of God

In the last edition of community, readers were informed about the findings of the District Apostle Meeting with regard to the matter of gender equality. The second part of this doctrinal article in the latest edition of community will explore what it means to say that mankind has been created in the image of God. […]

October 5, 2021

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Pastoral care survey: women for women

Is there a need for women in pastoral care? There sure is! This is the conclusion reached by an official work group in the New Apostolic Church Western Germany—and the group has concrete figures to demonstrate the need for a response to this demand in the congregations. Photo: Thomas Brunschede Photo: Thomas Brunschede Photo: Thomas […]

July 13, 2021

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community 3/2021: Unity in diversity

“It is the same everywhere, only different,” Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler once said many years ago. Life and faith differ greatly in the congregations around the world, yet there is so much we have in common. community presents some of these commonalities in its latest issue, 03/2021. The same faith: focus on Jesus Christ “As […]

July 1, 2021

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Women in ministry: a debate full of contrasts

There was certainly plenty of buzz on the social media sponsored by the New Apostolic Church. The subject of women in ministry generated hundreds of comments. And the reactions could hardly have been more different. Naturally there were some posts that used words like embarrassing and shameful to target the “old men” antagonists in the […]

June 17, 2021

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Ordination of women: the decision-making process

The deliberations on the topic of women in ministry are entering the next round. This is what the Chief Apostle says in his annual interview of 2021. He gives a concrete roadmap and an update on the current status of the discussions. This is a vast and multifaceted topic, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says. But […]

June 10, 2021

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Fellowship is both the way and the goal

Training in the fellowship of the believers for eternal fellowship with God: this is how the Chief Apostle understands salvation in Christ and our preparation for it. What this means he explained in his annual interview 2021. District Apostle Meeting, Pentecost service, and now a newly published interview: this topic is really important to Chief […]

June 3, 2021