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Adhering to the Bible, but in the right way

Sermons, pastoral care, leadership functions—all of these follow the standard of the Bible. But its precepts are not always clear. What Scripture says and what it does not say: a guide intended not just for ministers… “Following the precepts of Scripture” is the title of the latest doctrinal letter by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, which […]

July 2, 2020

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The sacraments (9): The deadly word for baptism

Immersion is not necessarily the same as immersion. And baptism is not necessarily baptism. Sometimes even the smallest details can serve to hint at great innovations. Here is what can be discerned about the most fundamental of all the sacraments—just from looking at some spelling adaptations in key words of the Bible. Baptism comes from […]

May 13, 2020

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The Sacraments (8): As long as you use water!

Baptism is as old as the New Testament. It is both a bone of contention as well as a binding element among Christians. Some see it as a rite of entry into Christian life, others regard it as merely a private celebration. In fact, it is more than people think! “I am baptised.” Christians actually […]

April 28, 2020

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Church leaders explore the possibility of reopening congregations

Online is not everything. How can we resume divine services and congregational life during the coronavirus crisis? Locally and very slowly and cautiously, is the answer of the European Church leaders. In times of assembly bans and stay-at-home orders the offers by the Church have had to be severely reduced. Divine services are currently taking […]

April 23, 2020

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The sacraments (6): What matters is a matter of faith

Seven, three, or two: how many sacraments are there actually? Not even all the Christian denominations are in agreement with themselves when it comes to that question. But there is one point of intersection which all of them do acknowledge—almost all of them, that is. “Holy Scripture acknowledges only one sacrament, and that is Christ […]

March 30, 2020

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Personal hygiene and spiritual health—both are important

A novel type of virus that can cause respiratory disease is spreading and making people everywhere anxious. It has made us take a whole new look at hygiene measures such as washing our hands. However, we must also keep our spiritual health in mind. The coronavirus has pandemic potential Photo: Jessica Krämer The coronavirus has […]

March 6, 2020

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Back to Jesus

“We must be careful to ensure that this does not happen to us,” appealed Chief Apostle Schneider. A sermon about pitfalls that is nevertheless encouraging — and not only for ministers. Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi […]

January 14, 2020

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Interpreting signs — a vote of non-confidence

So the signs of the time are frightening. Which means that the return of Christ must be near, right? The Chief Apostle responds to this notion in a recent article: such attempts at interpretation are doomed to fail. Following is a summary. . Does contemporary history provide us with clear indications concerning the current status […]

January 7, 2020

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“Back to Jesus—don’t allow any distance to come up”

The fall session of the International District Apostle Meeting ended with a divine service for the ministers of Europe. The focus of the Chief Apostle’s sermon was our nearness to Jesus Christ. Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Tens of […]

November 18, 2019

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How to get Sunday School to the children

The new Sunday School teaching material is ready and is to be introduced everywhere. But in Africa this is not quite as simple as it may sound. This is what the District Apostle Meeting Africa is currently talking about. How and in what format will the new teaching material for Sunday School reach the many […]

November 15, 2019

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“Everyone is to know: we will not tolerate this!”

The New Apostolic Church strongly condemns violence and sexual assault. A clear signal is now coming from South Africa. Yesterday the District Apostle Meeting Africa dealt with this issue. The national church leaders of the African District Churches meet regularly. A major topic yesterday was the new policy against sexual abuse in the New Apostolic […]

November 14, 2019

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Ministry (10): What advantages does the reform entail anyway?

It is far more than an exercise in theological principles or structural management: the reform in our concept of ministry has some very concrete benefits—for Church leadership, for the ministers, and for every individual member of the congregation. The benefits of this work on the concept of ministry were already clear beforehand: although our understanding […]

October 24, 2019

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“We will work together as a team”

Kububa Soko is the new District Apostle for Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. In the interview he shares some of his experiences to date and talks about what he will be concentrating on in future. Photo: Alisane Ferguson/Alex Ferguson Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: Oliver Rütten District Apostle Soko, you worked […]

October 22, 2019

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Ministry (9): Adapting ministry to the times

Can the Apostles just go ahead and do that? Are they even allowed to reorganise the ministerial structure? Not only are they allowed to do so—they must! Read on to find out why they did so in the first place, and where the limits are—ministry between the past and the future. The number of the […]

October 10, 2019

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Team player rather than lone wolf

Shared leadership and collective decision-making: that is the programme in the New Apostolic Church. And this is not only the way things work in the International District Apostle Meeting, but rather also in the various governing bodies of the District Churches. The first ever general assembly of the “Igreja Nova Apostólica Angola” took place in […]

September 13, 2019

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In the service of Jesus

A familiar hymn urges: “Of service be to Jesus” and goes on to admonish listeners to be “a fit tool in His hand”. This is a question of what individual Christians can do—both for themselves and for others—even without an official ministerial mandate. There are duties performed on a long-term basis that have a special […]

August 31, 2019

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Preventing violence and sexual assault

It is a burning social issue, and it doesn’t stop at the doors of the church either. Nevertheless, everyone is to know that the New Apostolic church condemns violence and sexual assault in the strongest possible terms. Such actions are violations of human personality and dignity. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland […]

August 15, 2019

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It has been an honour

When the District Apostle Meeting was in session, he always sat in the first row, there where the Spanish-speakers sat. Because although he is the District Apostle of Brazil—where Portuguese is spoken—he speaks Spanish and is a native of Uruguay. A man with many talents is retiring. District Apostle Raúl Montes de Oca greets brothers […]

August 3, 2019