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When communion is not a foreign concept

A lively and active Church always produces surprising news. This week we look at an architectural prize, an additional Bible reading, and a full-time position for a youth worker. An inviting and open aesthetic Photo: Sven Hertel, Stadtarchiv Dessau-Roßlau An inviting and open aesthetic Photo: NAK Dessau An inviting and open aesthetic Photo: NAK Dessau […]

July 26, 2019

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Ministry (3): A matter of authority

What exactly is a ministry permitted to do? Anything that is part of its authority: where do these powers come from, and what purpose do they serve? The answers to these questions constitute the focus of part three in this series on the New Apostolic concept of ministry. Exousia, exousia, exousia … Whenever Jesus teaches, […]

July 10, 2019

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The concept of ministry in a nutshell

The concept of ministry is on every channel: in addition to the latest issue of community , the Divine Service Guide and are busy explaining the most current doctrinal statements—sometimes more exhaustively, and sometimes more succinctly. Here is the abridged version for those who are in a real hurry. Everything that church is, and […]

July 3, 2019

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One Pentecost and five international messages

Pentecost 2019 will enter New Apostolic history as a feast of internationality. Hardly ever before have so many impulses of such international significance been aired. Here are some of them to re-read. Message No. 1: Participate! Photo: Oliver Rütten Message No. 1: Participate! Photo: Oliver Rütten Message No. 1: Participate! Photo: Oliver Rütten Message No. […]

June 15, 2019

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Ministry (1): Rooted in its model

Ministry, do we really need it? And why? Different denominations give different answers. This is the beginning of a series on the concept of ministry in the New Apostolic Church. This is a question that cannot simply be dismissed, because the New Testament even addresses the members of the congregation as the “royal priesthood”. The […]

June 13, 2019

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Spotlight 09/2019: Preserving our wealth

A house that is unoccupied decays. And relationships that are not fostered threaten to fall apart. What about our faith? Care instructions from District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny (Germany). “A prayer can move heaven and the heart of God,” it says. When we pray we should be aware that we are speaking with the triune God. […]

June 11, 2019

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Always, not only on Pentecost

These last few days, the focus of the New Apostolic congregations around the world has been on Goslar (Germany). On Sunday the Pentecost service by Chief Apostle Schneider will be transmitted to over 100 countries from here. In the days leading up to Pentecost, the International District Apostle Meeting gathered for consultations in Goslar. There […]

June 8, 2019

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Snapshots (1): District Apostles deliberate and decide

Two days, more than a dozen items on the agenda: the highest decision-making body of the New Apostolic Church has a lot to do. Pictures from the session of the International District Apostle Meeting. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

June 8, 2019

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Pentecost council of the Church leaders: all eyes are on Goslar

Immediately after the International Youth Convention in Düsseldorf, the leaders of the global Church set out for Goslar (Germany) in order to discuss some complex doctrinal topics. They took the momentum from Düsseldorf with them. The International Youth Convention (IYC) of the New Apostolic Church had inspired them all and left them with many experiences […]

June 7, 2019

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Worldwide Pentecost transmission

The transition from the International Youth Convention to Pentecost was practically seamless. But before Sunday’s Pentecost celebration there are numerous working meetings. This year’s setting is a congregation that developed from a famous mother church. In a confidential letter to a councillor named Hoppenstedt, a policeman by the name of Wiedekamp reported strange activities: a […]

June 6, 2019

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Our concept of ministry: more than a structural change

On Pentecost 2019 our new concept of ministry will come into effect. In the same week that the video presentation took place, information events began. It became clear that there is more to it than merely a structural change. Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde It […]

April 17, 2019

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Our concept of ministry met with a big response

Everybody is talking about it: our new definition of ministry. And most of the reactions are positive, although there is some criticism. Here is a look at the general trend. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: […]

April 12, 2019

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“A significant change to our tradition”

A reform to our definition of ministry … Why is this necessary? What’s the point? And how is it supposed to work? The Chief Apostle’s video address provides the answers. Here are the most important aspects in a nutshell. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider sees plenty of reasons to revisit the subject of ministry: there are […]

April 9, 2019

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Our concept of ministry to go on the air

Explaining the changes in our definition of ministry: the Chief Apostle has declared this a top priority. Anyone who cannot watch his video message will be able to find it online with time delay. The official website of the New Apostolic Church International ( describes the upcoming changes as “a significant change in our tradition”. […]

April 6, 2019

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One church, many services – not status, but a mission

What exactly is the church of Christ? It is more than one or the other denomination. What about elites? There are none, only different tasks. And that means collaborating and working together. This is what the Chief Apostle made clear in his most recent doctrinal paper. The church of Christ is one of the topics […]

April 4, 2019

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community is online: issue 2019/02

Whether our concept of ministry, biblical knowledge, interesting people, humanitarian activities, or divine services of the Chief Apostle, community has it all, plus impressions from around the world. Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International […]

April 1, 2019

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Our concept of ministry: a time-table for its implementation

The New Apostolic Church is taking its concept of ministry to a new level. How and why the Chief Apostle will explain personally in a video presentation at the beginning of April 2019. But this is only a first step. The Chief Apostle himself will address all New Apostolic congregations around the world in a […]

January 30, 2019