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Palm Sunday

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Palm Sunday

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Welcome to the virtual church

Part of our congregational and church life has moved online because of COVID-19. Here is a look at some of the means used and what online offers are available this coming Sunday in terms of divine services. Meetings Apostles and Bishops are coming together in video conferences and so are ministers at the congregational and […]

June 19, 2020
Palm Sunday

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God has everything under control

These days many people are worried about their health and their livelihood. “Let us trust God,” the Chief Apostle recommends. Why and how can we experience this first-hand? Here are four pieces of advice and two promises from the Palm Sunday service. Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: […]

May 7, 2020
Palm Sunday

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Pentecost—local and online

Pentecost … At home with the Chief Apostle or in our own congregation, maybe even with Holy Communion? The first option is open to everyone, the second one only to a few. The Chief Apostle’s recommendation is clear. We have never seen so much of our Apostles. Since the coronavirus crisis forced us to close […]

May 5, 2020
Palm Sunday

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“Tomorrow, God-willing!”

As an ongoing physician, Lacey Smith from Los Angeles, California (USA) participated in a year-long medical fellowship in Haiti. And this restructured her world view, she says. How and why she describes in the following report. Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: On my last night in Haiti, I sat eyeing a spider in the corner of […]

November 11, 2019
Palm Sunday

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The city is spic and span and ready for the IYC

Community clean-up campaigns have become the thing. Every year, the city of Düsseldorf in Germany appeals to its citizens for help in ridding the city of its litter. Now the city is ready for the International Youth Convention 2019. Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: […]

April 18, 2019
Palm Sunday

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The beginning of something new

Jesus entered Jerusalem, and of all things on the back of a donkey. For many of those who witnessed this it was outrageous. After all, the people had been expecting the Messiah, who had been announced as a king. And now this!? By the end of the week, Jesus Christ will have been killed. Passion […]

April 13, 2019
Palm Sunday

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Light shines brightest at night

The period of Lent is approaching its climax: Passion Week will culminate in the triumphant Easter message of the resurrection of Jesus. But before that there is still the cross. In the church calendar, the coming weeks are the most exciting, emotional, and varied: Christians hold their breath. Before they can sing a song of […]

April 2, 2019
Palm Sunday

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Confirmation services in midsummer

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, the popular saying goes. Traditionally, confirmation services in Argentina and Brazil take place on the first Sunday in December. It has to do with the school holidays. Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA […]

December 18, 2018
Palm Sunday

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On the air: a morning prayer for Advent

Berlin is worth a visit. The more than 30 million tourists a year who visit Berlin should know. This weekend, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will be in the German capital. He will be conducting a service in our church Berlin-Tegel. This weekend, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will be in the German capital. Photo: Jens Lange […]

December 13, 2018
Palm Sunday

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A Church in a state of flux (Part 1)

It is a country of superlatives—also for the New Apostolic Church. It is also a country of striking contrasts between rural and urban Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Here are some insights from a District Apostle whose best bet is often a motorbike. Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA […]

August 8, 2018
Palm Sunday

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Don’t be offended. Love Him!

Palm Sunday in Baia Mare (Romania) did away with any uncertainties there may have been. Although the congregation there sang the well-known hymn “Mighty God, we praise Thy name”, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider called on the congregation and all other Christians to not take offence at Jesus. Photo: Bisericii Nouapostolice din România Photo: Bisericii Nouapostolice […]

April 5, 2018
Palm Sunday

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Anticipation and excitement around the world

There is always a lot of excitement when a visit by the Chief Apostle or the District Apostle is announced. Will everything go as planned? Has everything been thought of? Here is look behind the curtain. Photo: INA Argentina Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: NAC Nigeria The […]

March 9, 2018
Palm Sunday

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The Passion: the Lord’s last days

The week before Easter is an up and down of emotions: joy one minute, despair the next. Before Christians could begin to believe in their own resurrection, Jesus Christ had to be crucified. The Passion: an unforgettable week for the Lord. The divine services of the New Apostolic Church in March will reflect the Passion […]

March 8, 2018
Palm Sunday

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A journey through the liturgical year

The liturgical year is an annual cycle of feasts that focus on Christmas and Easter. The New Apostolic Church also follows the liturgical year. What is this exactly? Imagine fifty-two Sunday services a year without any guiding principles that link them. Is it not better to focus on the biblical events that form the basis […]

April 26, 2017