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“And God saw the light, that it was good”
Light is life—and truth—and goodness in general: no other physical phenomenon shines so deeply into the human soul. How a simple image can shed light on the divine—illuminated for us on the international Day of Light this 16th day of May.
16 05 2023

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Coming soon: women in ministry
The year 2022 will go down into the New Apostolic history books. For the very first time, the Church has provided a doctrinal answer to a 160-year-old question. And the resulting decision will begin to take effect in the year 2023—when women will also be given the opportunity to be ordained into ministry.
28 12 2022

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Information evening on the ordination of women
The New Apostolic Church is inviting its members from all around the world to a virtual congregational evening with the Chief Apostle. So reports the home page of, which also mentions what the subject matter involves. The background to the developments in question is explained by
02 09 2022