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Bringing spiritual life to the campus
The University of Ghana, the University of Science and Technology, and the University of Cape Coast are universities in Ghana which have New Apostolic campus congregations. Two years ago another congregation opened on campus at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). There was a big celebration to mark its second anniversary.
12 09 2023

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A lifework of reforms
“If we want to preserve what we have, we will have to change many things,” was the guiding principle of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who died ten years ago today on 30 June 2013. Many of the innovations today can be traced back to his initiative.
30 06 2023

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In word and deed and a good dose of humour
He was a man of words and action. Who this was? District Apostle Karl Kühnle. Today he would have been one hundred years old. Today we pay tribute to a Swabian who set out to bring his faith to Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula.
14 02 2023

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A fan turned reporter
Ebenezer Akyirem loved to shares articles from on his WhatsApp groups, until his district rector asked him one day if he would not like to slip into the role of reporter and write his own articles. This is how the 30-year-old became acquainted with the work of a journalist—both the nice aspects as well as the not so nice ones.
17 10 2022

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How a pioneer drew attention to his cause
It is 1972: a tall man in a black suit sits in the park and waits. At some point someone comes up to talk to him. Their conversation marks the beginning of the New Apostolic Church in the Philippines. Today our members there look back on fifty years of Church history while also looking forward to the anniversary celebration.
11 10 2022

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Doing what is right in faith
They are back… the pictures of refugees desperately seeking a safe place. We saw similar images already back in 2015. Elena Kloppmann saw them too and could not get the pictures out of her head. That was when she decided that she wanted to help. Today she is helping in the Mediterranean.
08 03 2022