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Changes among the Apostles (2/2021)
Did you know that District Apostles are also authorised to ordain Apostles? This has always been the case, but in the year 2021 many District Apostles had to actually make use of this authority because the Chief Apostle was prevented from travelling as a result of the pandemic.
31 01 2022

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A look back and more
This week we take a look at an anniversary in Australia and a campaign for a better future. There certainly are reasons to celebrate, but there are also always moments to pause and reflect and pray for others.
30 07 2021

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (01/2021)
Again the Chief Apostle was hardly able to travel in the first half of the year and could therefore ordain and retire only a few Apostles. Instead, he asked the District Apostles to perform these ministerial acts on his behalf. At the end of June 2021, 337 Apostles were active around the world.
15 07 2021

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Hope, love, and responsibility for the creation
“Sown into the heart”—this was the motto of the Christian churches at the Federal Garden Show in Erfurt, Germany. All around the world, Christians are sowing positive things into the hearts of their fellow human beings. For example, our Apostles sow love, and our young people are sowing the notion of taking responsibility for the creation.
25 06 2021

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A man who said yes and stayed true
A faithful servant of the Church, that sounds like the perfect caption for the life of Johann Rissik Kitching, who was responsible for the fate of the New Apostolic Church in Southern Africa for many years. Who was this man? Let us take a look back in honour of his 100th birthday.
30 11 2020

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Fellbach, a church with global reach
Fellbach, the name rings familiar in New Apostolic circles. Chief Apostle Richard Fehr was both ordained and retired there. And his successor, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, was ordained there. On Sunday, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will visit the congregation.
04 12 2019