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According to estimates by the UN Refugee Agency, around thirty million people are being forcibly displaced as a result of extreme weather-related events and natural disasters. The biggest impact of climate change is experienced by the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on the help of others. Elijah was a climate refugee when he stood […]
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While the District Apostles and District Apostle Helpers convened for meetings at the Church’s conference centre, their spouses helped a charity initiative by painting yellow smiley faces on blue T-shirts. Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Twenty-two women from all over the world came together on Friday, 17 May 2024 in the church […]
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Suffering is neither an obligation nor is it a guarantee that we will really partake in the resurrection. And Jesus’ suffering was only one stage, followed by His resurrection. The Chief Apostle recently explained in a divine service how we can follow this path. Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Oliver […]
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How are things coming along with our annual motto “Prayer works”? A short poll on Instagram showed up 900 ideas on the topic of “prayer”. In the first part, we will look at the feeling of being close to God in prayer. “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He […]
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Every person has the right to happiness. In Matthew 5: 3–10 Jesus congratulates people who, on the face of it, may not be happy at all. March 20th is the International Day of Happiness and a good reason to take a closer look at these teachings and blessings. Many people followed Jesus. He travelled from […]
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“Leave Jerusalem,” the Chief Apostle urged the congregation. Shifting one’s perspective and actively seeking eternal life was the focus of a recent divine service in Rwanda. Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: On 21 January, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in Kibungo, about 100 kilometres south-east of the capital, Kigali. […]
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It has been on its way since October 2023 and has just arrived everywhere. For the first time in its ninety-year history, the Guide for Ministers is being published on the official website of the New Apostolic Church, Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: […]
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For God, it is the individual who counts: every single person. The example of the Ethiopian treasurer shows on whom, how, and why God bestows His salvation. Here are some extracts from a divine service for the departed. Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK […]
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There are many similarities between the believers today and Mary, the mother of Jesus, back then, the Chief Apostle says. The point here is faith, trust, and patience as well as powerful people who fall and rich people who come away empty-handed. Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: […]
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The objectives have been achieved: the New Apostolic Church has reorganised its ecumenical responsibilities. Instead of a national or international working group, there is now a central contact for regional advisors. “The long-standing Working Group Contacts with Denominations and Religions has fulfilled its mandate,” the New Apostolic Church International (NACI) announced on its website. “A […]
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When cultures clash. Do Africans have to become more European or Europeans more African? Do those who are more conservative have to become more progressive? Or the other way around? The answer can be found in the Bible. At the beginning of each District Apostle Meeting, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider addresses the District Apostles and […]
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He would have been eighty years old today. District Apostle Alfons Tansahtikno did a lot of good in the district of Indonesia and was able to spread the faith, braving difficult conditions. District Apostle Tansahtikno with members Photo: NAC Indonesia District Apostle Tansahtikno on his way to a service Photo: Archiv District Apostle Tansahtikno on […]
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Prayer, good sound, and a job opportunity. Not only individuals, but also congregations and the Church set themselves goals at the beginning of a year. And some have started to work towards them. And as always, God is there to support and motivate them. Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAC […]
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Everyone gets a second chance at the House of Grace. The programme, which is supported by NAK-karitativ, helps prisoners rebuild their lives and re-integrate into society. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ When Noam (first name changed) was sent to prison, he was still young and full of anger and thoughts of revenge. Because his […]
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Songs of praise fill the streets of Nigeria, ring out in a retirement home in South Africa, and come from the mouths of children at a special service in Spain. When young people are involved in shaping things, there is always something going on in the congregation and in society. Here’s a glimpse of what […]
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Even a tiny seed can develop great power and grow big. Regardless of one’s gifts, shortcomings, and personal past, everyone can be a source of blessing. Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Chief Apostle Ernst Streckeisen was […]
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The religious holidays in December create a bit of a muddle with our usual Sunday service times. The festive season also influences the subjects of our divine services as we anticipate Christmas. Not only do we light candles during the season of Advent, but the promises and events associated with Jesus’ incarnation also shine into […]