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Reconciled diversity requires considerable effort

One faith, one doctrine – one church, many cultures: this was the common idea that hovered over almost every item on the agenda at the recent District Apostles’ Meeting in Zurich, Switzerland. This began already with the spiritual part, with which Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider kicked off the two-day meeting last Thursday. He outlined the […]

November 30, 2023

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Ministry (39): Ordination of women—the consequences

What is definite is that there is gender equivalence and equality of the sexes before God. That is why, since the beginning of the year, women can also be entrusted with ministerial authority. This has both doctrinal and practical implications. When it comes to the spiritual ministry in the New Apostolic Church, the Fifth Article […]

November 21, 2023

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Ministry (38): Ordination of women—the objections

“The apostolate decides that women can be entrusted with ministerial authority.” Isolated Bible verses are cited against this decision. However, these relate less to the authority than to the mandate. And the Church takes this into account. Women and ministry? The testimony of the New Testament is not clear. This is explained in the essay […]

November 9, 2023

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Committed to the Church and society

When the New Apostolic Church first started to work in Portugal, the ministers had to deal with language barriers, finding places for worship, and building schools. This weekend, many years later, two special divine services await the country’s almost 5,500 brothers and sisters. Apostle Manuel Luiz (centre) was ordained as an Apostle by Chief Apostle […]

November 2, 2023

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Spotlight 14/2023: A journey that begins today

Following Jesus also requires us to exercise restraint. In his Spotlight, District Apostle Edy Isnugroho reports on fellow believers who have impressed him in particular fashion. And he goes on to explain why it is still worthwhile. When contemplating the concept of serving God, many brothers and sisters may initially entertain some apprehensions. It is […]

October 13, 2023

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No human being is entitled to take what God has given

Are human beings legally permitted to kill other human beings? Is this revenge or justice? Humanity is divided on such questions. What does the Bible say? And where is the church on the subject? Some answers on the occasion of the “World Day Against the Death Penalty” on 10 October. More than two thirds of […]

October 9, 2023

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Coming soon: a manual for ministers

There are at least three books that ministers of the New Apostolic Church need: the Bible, the Catechism, and the Guide for Ministers. The latter of these works has just been sent to the Regional Churches in order to receive a final regional polish. Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas […]

October 5, 2023

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Thinking peace

There are many slogans about peace. Perhaps the best known is “Make love, not war”, an anti-war slogan. A Christian motto is “Peace amidst our earthly fears”. This comes from Jesus Himself. He said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; […]

September 21, 2023

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Overcoming and emerging victorious

Nearly a hundred thousand people took part in the divine service in Kinshasa, either directly or on television. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider addressed the current situation in the country and called on the members to overcome evil with good. Jesus leads by example. Photo: ENA RDC Ouest Photo: ENA RDC Ouest Photo: ENA RDC Ouest […]

September 19, 2023

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Forgiveness is not a question of mathematics

At the beginning of the gospel already, Peter wanted to know how often he would have to forgive his neighbour. More often than you think, was the answer of the Son of God to this question. For us Christians today it is crystal clear. Or maybe not? Jesus not only answered with the famous “seven […]

September 11, 2023

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Turkey-Syria earthquake: school brings some normality

Half a year after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, people are still trying to come to terms with the aftermath. Together with its partner organisation Hatay Yardım İnisiyatifi Derneği and the New Apostolic Church Western Germany the relief organisation nak-karitativ supports traumatised children. With principal David in the ruins of the city of Antakya […]

September 4, 2023

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Voluntary commitment helps protect children

When it comes to the prevention of sexual abuse the New Apostolic Church is undeterred. The most recent example is the introduction of a mandatory code of conduct published by the New Apostolic Church Western Germany. “Protection from sexual violence is a duty incumbent on society as a whole, and the New Apostolic Church and […]

August 15, 2023

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“Grief is not the problem, it is the solution”

Grief needs space. And the bereaved need support. What can be done and how can we help? An interview with Brit Gardemeier, spokesperson of the Round Table Bereavement Support Group of the New Apostolic Church Northern and Eastern Germany, provides some insight. Brit Gardemeier, advisor and spokesperson of the Round Table Bereavement Support Group for […]

August 14, 2023

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No distance is too far

Distances, prison walls, social conventions: New Apostolic Christians do not let anything stop them from looking after their brothers and sisters in faith and experiencing fellowship. Here is a look at congregational life worldwide. Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: […]

August 11, 2023