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Thanksgiving Day

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Thanksgiving Day

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A man who said yes and stayed true
A faithful servant of the Church, that sounds like the perfect caption for the life of Johann Rissik Kitching, who was responsible for the fate of the New Apostolic Church in Southern Africa for many years. Who was this man? Let us take a look back in honour of his 100th birthday.
30 11 2020
Thanksgiving Day

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The “Chief”—way ahead of his time
The Church’s own health insurance, a football league of congregational teams, and a working area that spanned half the globe: today we celebrate the 125th birthday of Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff—an Apostle unlike any other.
02 08 2019
Thanksgiving Day

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Australia has a new District Apostle Helper
As of last Sunday, Peter Schulte is the number two man in the District Apostle district of Australia. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider began by ordaining him into the Apostle ministry, and then went on to assign him as a District Apostle Helper for the enormous working area.
29 09 2017