Sound on, camera running: the Chief Apostle was not the only one to address the brethren by video at the turn of the year. This practice is becoming more and more popular among the District Apostles too. A review…
“Together with all the Apostles, I extend warm greetings to all of you, and wish you a good and blessed new year!” — These were the words that concluded Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider’s New Year address, which went online on 1 January 2020. At first, the video appeared in English, German, and French, as well as with Spanish captions. In the meantime, other versions featuring Brazilian / Portuguese and Japanese captions have also been posted.
District Apostle Enrique Minio opened this round of videos with his Christmas message to the New Apostolic Church in South America on 24 December 2019. The video is subtitled in both Spanish and Portuguese—because, among other things, the District Churches of Argentina and Brazil had been amalgamated into a new District Church only a few months before.
District Apostle John Kriel’s address, which went online on 28 December 2019, is described as the Close of Year Message. Such addresses already have something of a tradition in the District Church of Southern Africa. After all, the District Church even has its own television station, known as “NAC TV”. There the District Apostle broadcasts his “Evening Rendezvous” every month.
District Apostle Michael Ehrich’s address on 9 January 2020 was expressly addressed to the young people of Southern Germany. Building on the motto of the International Youth Convention 2019—“Here I am”—he too builds a bridge from the old year into the new.
District Apostle Leonard Kolb’s address was broadcast to the New Apostolic congregations of the USA on both 26 January and 2 February 2020. In it the Church leader looks back on the events of 2019 and explains the plans for 2020. The District Apostle appears regularly on the YouTube channel of the District Church on a programme entitled “For Your Journey”. The series has “aired” 79 episodes so far.