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Prayer, sermon, absolution, and blessing

July 31, 2020

Author: Oliver Rütten

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Many things are still possible despite the COVID-19 pandemic, among them online services on Sunday mornings. Here is the weekly update on the worldwide live streams for this coming Sunday.

Communal prayers, the word of God, the absolution, and the Trinitarian blessing can all be experienced in an online service. “Divine service is the activity of God upon human beings and a work of human beings for God,” the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church says (CNAC 12.1). All brothers and sisters are invited to have an encounter with God in divine service either online or, if offered locally, in our churches.

Where possible, opt for in-person services

All over the world, the District Apostles are asking the members to strictly adhere to the physical distance and hygiene protocols that have been put into place. Both the Church leaders as well as the local ministers have implemented comprehensive hygiene concepts in order to keep the risk of infection during divine services as minimal as possible.

In many of our congregations across the world, services have resumed in our churches and the brothers and sisters are heartily invited to attend them and to once again experience fellowship with their fellow members.

Telephone and video services if necessary

Those members who are at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 are asked to use common sense when deciding whether to attend divine services in the congregation.

There are still congregations where local church services are not yet possible on account of official bans on public assemblies. Online or phone-in services will continue to be offered here.

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Digital library of the New Apostolic Church

The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.

July 31, 2020

Author: Oliver Rütten
