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Chief Apostle

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Spotlight 10/2022: Giving and receiving go hand in hand

Seeing and experiencing the congregation as one heart and soul, without paying too much attention to the differences and boundaries, continues to be a challenging objective. This is how District Apostle Rainer Storck (Western Germany) describes it, who together with his administrative staff serves over forty countries. Regarding our motto for 2022, “Together in Christ”, […]

June 27, 2022
Chief Apostle

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More than preaching: the work of the Apostles

Jesus ascended to heaven, and the churches changed. It was an awkward time for the first Christians. However, the Apostles continued to carry out their work. What these tasks were and what they mean for us today, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explained in a divine service. Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Frank Schuldt […]

June 22, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Around the world and round the clock

Who knows what will happen the day after tomorrow? The pandemic has shaken up many plans. One thing, however, is sure and that is the possibility of joining online services again on Sunday. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services on YouTube, IPTV, or TV. In many places, members can also phone in, […]

June 17, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Faith that lives up to its name

Sunday, 22. 05. 2022 – important moments in Berlin: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider released District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny into retirement, appointed a new District Apostle, ordained a new Apostle, and amalgamated the Regional Church of Berlin-Brandenburg with the Regional Church of Northern and Eastern Germany. Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: […]

June 15, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Worshipping in the world’s largest congregation

The New Apostolic Church has been streaming divine services for 117 weeks now. Thousands join these online services, constituting the world’s largest congregation. Whether by postal cable as was the case at the very beginning, then satellite, or internet, the means of transmission were always unusual and constituted a small revolution. Before long, however, the […]

June 10, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Love, truth, unity: the weapons of God

Gideon did not need a huge army to win his battle. His sharpest weapons were his faith and his trust in God. Read on to find out why he is an example to follow, and not just for ministers. Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney Photo: NAC Sydney “I […]

June 8, 2022
Chief Apostle

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What the District Apostles talk about

The International District Apostle Meeting in Buenos Aires ended today, two years later than planned. The agenda included a wide variety of topics. Here is an overview. In fact, the conference had been planned in the Argentinian capital already for Pentecost 2020. However, as we all had to learn, the Covid pandemic made such trips […]

June 4, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Six languages in 22 congregations

A prelude that spells Pentecost. Yesterday, the District Apostles and their assistants were spread over 22 congregations in Greater Buenos Aires and conducted services in English, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, and in Spanish, of course. A tour in pictures. District Apostle Edy Isnugroho in Villa Ballester Photo: INA Sud América District Apostle Edy Isnugroho in […]

June 3, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Time for the Apostles

Current issues and the shared concern for the brothers and sisters. The Chief Apostle always has an ear for his Apostles, so too at a meeting of the Apostles and Bishops of Argentina on the fringe of the 2022 Pentecost assembly. Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning

June 2, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Pentecost 2022 in Buenos Aires

Politically, economically, culturally, and ecclesiastically: the heart of Argentina beats in Buenos Aires. This is where the leaders of the New Apostolic Regional Churches from all over the world will be meeting for their Pentecost Council starting today. Photo: Anibal Trejo Photo: INA Argentina Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina […]

June 1, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Reliable broadcasts

The New Apostolic Church streams divine services in all parts of the world. Everyone is invited to join us for these public online services on YouTube. “If the faithful cannot come to church…” is a statement we have heard quite often in the past year. Also in the tird year of the Covid-19 pandemic, online […]

May 27, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Heaven is where Christ is

The descent into Hades and the ascension into heaven—both events are recorded in Holy Scripture. And both events have stirred up theological controversy to this day. Unfortunately, neither of them is well understood—and yet their significance is clear! After His death on the cross, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, descended into the depths of […]

May 26, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Authoritative portrayal of our concept of ministry

“The New Apostolic understanding of the spiritual ministry” is the title of the newest special edition of the Divine Service Guide, which is now making its way to the ministers. A reference work also for future questions. The issue, number 2/2022, with a total of 32 pages, summarises the essential statements from the Catechism as […]

May 25, 2022
Chief Apostle

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A mama for all

Not only her own large family call her Mama Rose. The members of the Calgary-Chestermere congregation (Canada) also affectionately know her by this name. They appreciate the caring nature and self-sacrificing commitment of Sister Rose Kamwanji Ndumbi (62). Photo: privat Photo: privat Photo: privat Photo: privat Photo: privat In the divine service that Chief Apostle […]

May 23, 2022
Chief Apostle

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Retirement after exactly 45 years

There are times when life presents one with some astonishing coincidences: this Sunday, 22 May 2022, District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny will retire from active ministry. It was on exactly the same day 45 years before that he received his first ministry in the Church. He has led the District Apostle Area of Berlin-Brandenburg for seventeen […]

May 20, 2022