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community 2/2020: something for everybody

01 04 2020

Author: Oliver Rütten

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Stories from the Bible and news from the congregations, as well as insights into our Church doctrine … Over the next few days, some 200,000 families across the globe will receive their printed copy of the new edition of community. Here is a preview of the online issue.

The miracle of Pentecost: not only for teenagers

“Suddenly a rushing sound arises from heaven like a mighty storm and fills the whole house. Tongues like fire come to rest on each one of them, and the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. He even causes them to speak in other languages about the great deeds of God.” The Bible story this time is about the miracle at Pentecost. A fascinating story on the diversity of language, fellowship, and of staying together.

This is exactly what community, the international member magazine, symbolises: the magazine is translated into dozens of languages and reports on the activities and fellowship of believing Christians.

The priority is God: not only for young adults

Every year Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducts more than 50 divine services, pastoral meetings, and conferences. community reports on some of his intercontinental journeys. In this issue you will find reports on his trips to Lusaka (Zambia), Apia (Samoa), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), and Neuchâtel (Switzerland).

In his divine services, the Chief Apostle regularly puts the focus on specific aspects. One of them was: “God has priority!” This is a Christian’s reference point when making decisions, he said. This awareness leads children of God to request the following of Him: “We ask God to help us in making the choice to prioritise salvation, to serve God, and to love our neighbour.”

The significance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ: not only for theologians

The Chief Apostle’s doctrinal document on the sacrifice of Christ takes on particular importance considering that Good Friday is just around the corner. He asks: What significance does the sacrificial death of Jesus have for us? Why did Jesus Christ have to suffer and die? The spiritual leader of the Church answers many old and new questions.

“The core of the gospel is Jesus Christ who, through His death on the cross and His resurrection, created eternal salvation. Thus the cross of Christ became the epitome of God’s reconciliatory actions toward sinful mankind.” The article takes a comprehensive look at the statements in the Bible and the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church and brings them together in a structured way.

community was launched in 2015 as the magazine of the New Apostolic Church on all continents. More than 200,000 households receive a printed copy of the magazine because they do not have Internet access. It can also be read in digital form in the archive section of The magazine is published quarterly in numerous languages. Regional editions are available with news and additional information; these can also be found in the archives of

Photo: private

01 04 2020

Author: Oliver Rütten
