Church life, doctrinal aspects, and a children’s corner… the latest issue of the community magazine is jam-packed with exciting topics. This edition of the magazine takes its readers to Brazil and South Africa, among other places, and it features the full-text version of the divine service in which the Chief Apostle explained our motto for 2023.
Breno smiles down from a tree. The eight-year-old takes the youngest readers to Brazil in the latest issue of community and introduces them to his country, his family, and his congregation.
Insights into congregational life
The conditions in which New Apostolic Christians live their faith are often very different from country to country. The conditions in which New Apostolic Christians live their faith are often very different from country to country. Some congregations are very large, others consist of just a handful of members. But the bond between the individual members and the warmth they experience is very similar everywhere: there is a fondness for one another.
This is reflected in the Global News section, which features reports from around the world. The reports in this section exemplify how Church members from young to old brought last year’s motto, “Together in Christ”, to life.
The Regional Churches have a big heart for the youngest members of the Church and have committed themselves to involve the children more in congregational life. For example, the Regional Church Southern Africa distributes recorders and a beginner’s guide for a small fee to aspiring musicians. The children practice with the help of videos and then come together in divine service and perform the songs.
A big concern of the District Apostles is providing teaching material for the children. At a recent District Apostle Meeting, leading ministers therefore discussed the progress being made on the new teaching materials. There is more in the magazine.
Serving God in divine service
“Serving and reigning with Christ” is this year’s motto. community features the entire New Year’s divine service. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explains the reigning aspect of the motto and gives impulses on how we can both serve and rule.
Further divine services are featured in a summarised version. The current issue carries the divine services the Chief Apostle held in Kolda in Senegal, San Salvador in El Salvador, and Madang in Papua New Guinea.
You are never too old to learn
The Bible story in the Children’s Corner is aimed primarily at the youngest readers, but anyone interested is invited to explore the story of Jesus healing ten men suffering from leprosy.
For the adults, there are four pages that feature a doctrinal essay: the subject this time is the ordination of women once again. It is the second part of the doctrinal essay that was published for the ministers in 2022. This part deals with the theological conclusions that the Church draws from the fact that man and woman are both equally created in the image of God. It also looks at the position of women in early Christianity and in the early church.
The community magazine was launched in 2015 and has since been providing insight into official Church topics. Every issue also features informative articles and reports from around the world. Whether in print or digital, the magazine is published four times a year in many languages.