Just three months after the launch of nac.today, the New Apostolic Church International is now ready to launch its second new medium: community is the name of the new international member magazine of the New Apostolic Church, and it is available for download as of right now.
community will initially be published in English, French, and Spanish. Other language variants—whether in print form or e-paper format—are also to be published in the near future. In the German-speaking world, Unsere Familie will remain the official communications organ of the Church—as will African Joy on the African continent. Both magazines will, however, provide the same core content that the New Apostolic Church International wants to communicate in community.
Geared toward an international audience
The new member magazine is comprised of 32 pages. It will include an editorial, divine services, a children’s corner, as well as doctrinal information and news from around the world. A twelve-page abridged version in black and white will cover the most important elements and will primarily be used in countries where it is too expensive to cover the print and distribution costs of the four-colour version.
The layout of community is optimized for application in various languages, difficult print conditions, and diverse paper formats. It is in this manner that core contents are to be published in some three dozen languages. The quarterly magazine will thus replace the majority of the foreign-language editions of Unsere Familie and its abridged versions, known as “Mini editions” . Some District Churches will supplement the core content or incorporate regional information as well.
The name is also the agenda
community also represents the agenda of the magazine in three different ways: to begin with, “comm” stands for the intent of communicating important information to as many members around the world as possible. The term “unity” represents the endeavour of the international Church to promote oneness in this manner. And the term “community” is also intended to encourage our international fellowship to continue growing together, despite all cultural and social differences that exist around the world.