Listen to God and act now

God speaks to us and works for our salvation. And our mission is to listen to Him, do His will, and proclaim His gospel—tirelessly, even in times of doubt and opposition.

On Saturday, 20 July 2024, Apostolic Christians gathered in Tbilisi in Georgia for a special divine service with Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. He based his sermon on Isaiah 62: 1: “For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns.” The Chief Apostle’s sermon focused on God’s love and His ongoing work for the salvation of humankind.

God’s love never fails

The Chief Apostle reminded the congregation of this in his sermon, “No matter what human beings do, God will continue to love them, speak to them, and work for their salvation.” He illustrated this using the example of the Israelites at the time of the prophet Isaiah. They lived in cities that had been destroyed and believed that they had failed and God no longer answered their prayers because of their unfaithfulness. But God answered through the prophet, “No, that is not the case. I still love you and will continue to speak to you. I am going to send you the prophet who proclaims My word.” God promised to rebuild Jerusalem, even though the people could not see the progress immediately.

God acts despite our imperfection

The Chief Apostle also referred to Adam and Eve in his sermon, “Think of Adam and Eve. They left God, but God continued to love them.” He explained that even after the first humans sinned, God cared for them, gave them clothing, and promised to send them a Saviour. “He drew up a plan to save human beings and went to work to bring about their salvation. Out of love for Adam and Eve, God spoke to them and continued to work for their salvation.”

Misfortune is not a punishment from God

Many people today think that God is punishing them for their doings or that He has abandoned them in their suffering. The Chief Apostle most definitely does not agree with this and said, “God does not punish human beings. He still loves us and wants our salvation. He speaks to us, but people do not hear it.” He emphasised that God is still active today. “God continues to make sure that His gospel is preached.” However, human beings often do not recognise His actions because they no longer perceive them.

Staying in conversation with God

The Chief Apostle pointed out how important it is to be persistent in our prayers, even if God’s answers sometimes are not immediately obvious to us. “Let us not remain silent but keep at it. Let us continue to speak to God.” The Chief Apostle said that even if you find yourself in difficult situations, it is important to be open to God, “If you have trouble with God—that can happen—He will not be angry with you. But please talk to Him.” The Chief Apostle urged the congregation to bring their doubts and disappointments before God, “Just tell Him, ‘God, I do not agree with you. You have let me down.’ But please speak to Him.”

Listening and accepting God’s will

It is just as important to listen to God’s answer and be prepared to accept His will, even if this is not always easy. “Listen to what He has to say and take His advice. Don’t forget, He is the almighty God. What He tells you is the truth.” Chief Apostle Schneider reminded the sisters and brothers that God is never unprepared: “God always has good advice that is just right for our present situation. God always makes a way for us.”

There may be times when we do not immediately recognise God’s actions, the Chief Apostle said. “Sometimes we think that God is silent or inactive. But He tells us, ‘I love you, and nothing has changed in My love for you.’”

Being prepared to change

Another key point is the willingness to develop in faith and be prepared to change, the Chief Apostle said. “No matter what happens, we should always be aware: through this situation, the Lord Jesus wants to help me become like Him.” This development is not a theoretical process, but a very concrete and practical task, the Chief Apostle said. “Ask yourself honestly, ‘What would Jesus Christ say in this situation? How would He react?’”

The message is clear, the Chief Apostle said, “Allow God to mould you.” It is our mission to accept God’s activity in our lives and to change and become more like Christ.

This should not be done in silence either, the Chief Apostle said, because proclaiming the gospel is an important mission, regardless of the reaction of those around us. “Let us continue to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and profess our faith in Him. Let us continue to work in the Church until the work is completed.”

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Simon Heiniger
Georgia, Chief Apostle, Divine service