The Holy Spirit works powerfully both in the congregations of the church of Christ and in every individual believer. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider reminded readers about this in a recent letter to the congregations.
“The Holy Spirit works powerfully! That was how He worked in the past, that is how it is today, and that is also how it will be tomorrow. The Holy Spirit admonishes, strengthens, comforts, and inspires us. He is our constant companion in all situations of life,” explains the Church leader. He goes on to add, “Nothing can ever stop the Holy Spirit. Nothing will hold back the development of the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit is at work with all His might. And with all our might, let us allow this power to reveal itself in the congregations and within ourselves.”
On a visit with Rúben in Brazil
“On the beach and out in the waters here you can see many Jangadas. These are wooden rafts on which the fisherman set out to catch large fish. The city where I live is called Maranguape. It is surrounded by mountains and lakes. The whole region is very green and beautiful. I love hiking through nature with my father and my sisters,” relates six-year-old Rúben, as he tells us about both the pleasant and unpleasant things in his life.
The Pentecost service in writing
On Pentecost 2019 in Goslar—together with many District Apostles and Apostles—Chief Apostle Schneider celebrated a divine service that was transmitted around the world. The “community” magazine has published the main part of the sermon in writing—a good opportunity to read the Chief Apostle’s statements concerning the power and activity of the Holy Spirit once again.
A five-year success story
The international member magazine has been well received by the members of the Church. The latest issue completes the fifth year of the magazine’s existence. The first edition of the new magazine was published at the start of 2015. It is distributed free of charge to the members of the Church, whether in its online version, here at nac.today, or in print—primarily in regions and countries where internet access is still rather limited or not available at all.
The “community” magazine is published by the New Apostolic Church International by mandate of the Chief Apostle in English, French, and Spanish. In collaboration with the communications correspondents of the sixteen District Apostle districts of the world, the magazine is also translated into many other languages and distributed accordingly. Readers can also get an overview of this linguistic diversity in the online archive of nac.today.
There for all the members of the Church
The “community” magazine is published once each quarter. It is thirty-two pages strong and boasts a great deal of content, including core thoughts from divine services by the Chief Apostle, reports on how our members live in congregations around the world, information concerning the activities of the Church’s relief organisations, and excerpts from the Church’s doctrine, as well as Bible stories for children.
When he introduced the member magazine “community”, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said, “Communication is of vital importance today, and it must also play a corresponding role for us. It functions to support coordination and global exchange. In this way we can, for example, promote the oneness of the doctrine and help the various cultures become acquainted with one another.”