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NAK-karitativ presents its annual report for 2015

13 10 2016

Author: Andreas Rother

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nak-karitativ invested more than two million euros in humanitarian projects on three continents over the past year. This is documented in the annual report for 2015 that has just been published.

The financial focus of activities was on Africa: amounts in the six figure range went to projects in Kenya, Malawi, Angola, South Sudan, Zambia, and Niger. Two hundred thousand euros went to Asia to fund projects in Armenia, Georgia, the Philippines, Nepal, and India. The European share amounted to a good 280,000 euros, of which half was allotted to Germany, as well as Balkan states such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia.

Income and expenditures

In addition to project funding, the report also accounts for expenditures such as personnel expenses at just over 115,000 euros, monitoring at almost 77,000 euros, a share of the costs for administrative services to the tune of 45,000 euros, as well as tens of thousands for public relations, legal counselling, and office rental.

The total expenditure is financed primarily by individual donations. For 2015, these amounted to more than 1.7 million euros, roughly the same as in the two years before. In addition to this, there were sponsorships for projects dedicated to children (277,000 euros), regular donations for long-term measures (156,000 euros), as well as income from bequests (111,000 euros). In order to be able to administer larger contributions over the long term, especially from bequests, NAK-karitativ Charitable Foundation was established in 2014.

Management and supervision

The financial year 2015 was on the agenda at the recent annual general meeting on 1 July 2016 as was the election of a new board. Newly appointed to the board, whose chairman is Jörg Leske, was Jouhaina Müller, among others. The native Palestinian has been actively involved in refugee aid since the end of 2015. In addition to the General Meeting, which is one of the supervisory bodies of nak-karitativ, there is also an advisory board of which the North Rhine-Westphalian District Apostle Rainer Storck is a member, among others.

The founding of the aid organization—which is based in Dortmund (Germany)—goes back to an idea by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, according to nak-karitativ. The organization says that in the late 1990s he suggested that the New Apostolic Church become more involved in the humanitarian field. This led to the founding of an aid association in 2001, which has officially been active under the name “NAK-karitativ” since 2005. Since then, the association has its business processes audited and may therefore carry the donation seal of approval of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI).

Projects and partnerships

The main areas of activity are

  • sustainable development projects in agriculture, providing a clean water supply and basic medical care;
  • providing access to basic education and training facilities;
  • sponsorship programmes for foster care centres, kindergartens, and schools;
  • implementing and supporting social institutions and activities over a period of several years;
  • disaster relief.

To this end, NAK-karitativ has linked up with a number of partners—as non-government organizations typically do. These include, above all, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Sustainet East Africa, and Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, as well as New Apostolic institutions such as KUMEA (Kenya), NACRO (Zambia), Stichting Corantijn (Netherlands), and NAC SEA Relief Fund (South-East Asia).

13 10 2016

Author: Andreas Rother

nak-karitativ invested more than two million euros in humanitarian projects on three continents over the past year. this is documented in the annual report for 2015 that has just been published. the application area of nak-karitativ …. photo: nak-karitativ. … in the fields of work …. photo: nak-karitativ. … education …. photo: nak-karitativ. … medical care …. photo: nak-karitativ. … and disaster relief. photo: nak-karitativ. the financial focus of activities was on africa: amounts in the six figure range went to projects in kenya, malawi, angola, south sudan, zambia, and niger. two hundred thousand euros went to asia to fund projects in armenia, georgia, the philippines, nepal, and india. the european share amounted to a good 280,000 euros, of which half was allotted to germany, as well as balkan states such as albania, bosnia and herzegovina, and serbia. income and expenditures. in addition to project funding, the report also accounts for expenditures such as personnel expenses at just over 115,000 euros, monitoring at almost 77,000 euros, a share of the costs for administrative services to the tune of 45,000 euros, as well as tens of thousands for public relations, legal counselling, and office rental. the total expenditure is financed primarily by individual donations. for 2015, these amounted to more than 1.7 million euros, roughly the same as in the two years before. in addition to this, there were sponsorships for projects dedicated to children (277,000 euros), regular donations for long-term measures (156,000 euros), as well as income from bequests (111,000 euros). in order to be able to administer larger contributions over the long term, especially from bequests, nak-karitativ charitable foundation was established in 2014. management and supervision. the financial year 2015 was on the agenda at the recent annual general meeting on 1 july 2016 as was the election of a new board. newly appointed to the board, whose chairman is jörg leske, was jouhaina müller, among others. the native palestinian has been actively involved in refugee aid since the end of 2015. in addition to the general meeting, which is one of the supervisory bodies of nak-karitativ, there is also an advisory board of which the north rhine-westphalian district apostle rainer storck is a member, among others. the founding of the aid organization—which is based in dortmund (germany)—goes back to an idea by chief apostle richard fehr, according to nak-karitativ. the organization says that in the late 1990s he suggested that the new apostolic church become more involved in the humanitarian field. this led to the founding of an aid association in 2001, which has officially been active under the name “nak-karitativ” since 2005. since then, the association has its business processes audited and may therefore carry the donation seal of approval of the german central institute for social issues (dzi). projects and partnerships. the main areas of activity are. sustainable development projects in agriculture, providing a clean water supply and basic medical care;. providing access to basic education and training facilities;. sponsorship programmes for foster care centres, kindergartens, and schools;. implementing and supporting social institutions and activities over a period of several years;. disaster relief. to this end, nak-karitativ has linked up with a number of partners—as non-government organizations typically do. these include, above all, help – hilfe zur selbsthilfe, sustainet east africa, and deutsche welthungerhilfe, as well as new apostolic institutions such as kumea (kenya), nacro (zambia), stichting corantijn (netherlands), and nac sea relief fund (south-east asia).
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