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Ringing in the new year with God

23 01 2024

Author: Katrin Löwen

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Prayer, good sound, and a job opportunity. Not only individuals, but also congregations and the Church set themselves goals at the beginning of a year. And some have started to work towards them. And as always, God is there to support and motivate them.

Members from all the Christian churches in Dusslingen in Germany met for a prayer walk on 14 January. To kick off the Week of Prayer, the Christians went from church to church together and said a prayer in each. They prayed for peace and the Christian community. The pastor of the Protestant Church concluded this joint walk with a presentation in the New Apostolic Church on the subject of the Christian mission.

Good sound in the Congo

Mobile sound equipment was delivered to the southern area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in mid January. The delivery consisted of speakers, an amplifier, a sound mixer, and microphones. The Church’s communications officer presented the audio equipment to Apostle Jean-Luc Tanga on behalf of District Apostle Tshitshi Tshisekedi. Apostle Tanga often conducts divine services in large congregations that have little or no audio equipment. Other regions of the Regional Church are also to be equipped with similar technology.

Church doors open to all

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the aid agency NAC SEA Relief renewed agreements with the GoForward Foundation and the councillor of the municipality Barangay Damayan in Famy. Decommissioned church buildings in the Philippines are made accessible to the local community. The buildings are used to help people who have become homeless, or they are used as health or dental centres, where people can be treated. In the church building in Binan, the GoForward Foundation runs programmes for people with disabilities, while the building in Famy will be used as a youth centre. Urs Hebeisen, President of NAC SEA Relief, said: “The Church is a part of society, and thus it is a privilege to put such valuable properties at the disposal of the community.”

A job opening at NAK-karitativ

NAK-karitativ is looking for a project coordinator specialising in humanitarian aid. The focus will be Zambia. The objective of the aid agency of the New Apostolic Churches in Germany is to ensure that people are able to feed themselves, have access to education and basic necessities, and can lead healthy lives. To achieve this objective also in Zambia, the aid agency is looking for someone to coordinate projects there, apply for grants, and find new sponsors to work with. Applicants should enjoy developing sustainable solutions in the context of development cooperation, be interested in food security, health, and education, and have experience in development cooperation. Applications will be accepted until 21 February.

23 01 2024

Author: Katrin Löwen
