The charity human aktiv supports a thrift shop. NACRO and NAK karitativ have made a difference in people’s lives with water pumps. And brothers and sisters wrapped presents for children. Christmas can come.
Donation to a thrift shop
On the first Sunday of Advent, 28 November 20201, human aktiv, the aid organisation of the New Apostolic Church Southern Germany, presented a donation to the thrift shop of a social welfare organisation in Untermain, Germany. In addition to clothing and other useful everyday items, the organisation also runs a café and offers shelter, food, help, and counselling to its patrons. The story behind this is that in November 2012, a family came to the thrift shop desperate and soaked to the skin, asking for help. This is why the thrift shop expanded its services to also provide counselling. human aktiv supported this initiative with 5,000 euros. Members from the congregation in nearby Michelstadt donated desperately needed sanitary products.
School kits distributed
The charity UGUS (Un Geste Un Sourire) distributed 700 school-starter kits to children in Togo at the beginning of the year containing school supplies, clothing, backpacks, and pencil cases. Thanks to donations from New Apostolic Christians in the district of Herford in Germany, the charity was able to reach out to more than the originally planned 500 children—mostly orphans or street children—in remote villages and farms. UGUS sponsored the school fees for 19 particularly vulnerable children. The charity’s aim is to promote inclusive and quality education.
Donations to NAC SEA Relief
The New Apostolic aid organisation NAC SEA Relief was delighted with the many donations it received this year. A minister from South Korea, for example, donated medical face masks, which the charity distributed to the needy. Support also came from a deceased couple in Germany. Klara and Adolf Unfried, a childless couple, wanted to support poor children and young people, especially orphans, and help them get an education and make a good life for themselves. To do so, they had set up a charitable trust. The trustee, Erich Schwarz, signed the agreement with NAC SEA Relief on 22 October. This New Apostolic charity runs a scholarship programme for students in the Philippines.
Safe drinking water
Contaminated water and poor hygiene cause diseases such as dysentery, diarrhoea, and cholera. NACRO started a project called WASH, which is committed to improving water, sanitation, and hygiene. The aim is to give people access to safe water and sanitation. With financial support from NAK-karitativ, the charity has already installed two solar pump water systems in the villages of Mkangala and Kanyanda. Almost 400 households now have access to clean water. In the village of Chimphanga, NACRO built a gravity-fed water pumping system, which supplies seven village and a school with safe water. Since then, cases of water borne diseases in the area have been reduced.
Christmas joy in Romania
Brothers and sisters from the Nagold district in Germany wrapped presents for children. Waisenhilfe e.V. Mindersbach, an association that helps orphans, will make sure that the parcels are distributed in Romania. As in previous years, the gifts will be brought to a central distribution location near Sibiu in Romania and distributed from there to orphanages and schools in remote villages. There the parcels will be given to orphans and families with many children. The gift drive brought as much joy to the givers as it did to the recipients.