Many small stories from around the world testify of the everyday joys and the strength of faith of New Apostolic Christians. Here they are.
Philippines. Reading educates, and this applies in the Philippines too. community, the magazine of the New Apostolic Church, is enjoyed by many there. It is published four times a year in English, French, and Spanish. Additional language versions are offered right around the globe. Here are some photos of happy readers from our congregations in the Philippines.
Colombia. The magazine of the New Apostolic Church is also published in Spanish—a language that is essential for the New Apostolic congregations in Central and South America, in a number of African countries, and in Europe. The Church in Colombia, for example, makes the Spanish version of the magazine available on the Church’s website in read mode.
Indonesia. Apostle Samuel Hadiwidagdo celebrated his last divine service in Lampung. The church district there will be taken over by his successor, whose ordination is planned for Thursday, 18 May. The working areas in the District Church are being restructured. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is planning an extended trip to South-East Asia and will also come to Bandar Lampung. Apostle Hadiwidagdo baptised a child and sealed two souls. In a divine service in Lumbirejo he also baptised and sealed souls.
Germany. Shortly before the official signing of the Reconciliation Statement between the New Apostolic Church and the United Apostolic Church, which is scheduled to take place on 11 March, there was a debate in the New Apostolic congregation in Merseburg (Germany). Moderated by Priest Sebastian Müller-Bahr, Helmut Obst from Halle—a professor of religious studies—Apostle Gert Loose from the United Apostolic Church, and the retired Apostle Gerald Bimberg from the New Apostolic Church exchanged their views and talked about their hopes. The discussion highlighted many similarities between the two Apostolic churches as well as theological differences.
France. A little more than a hundred youth from the Paris-North district celebrated a youth service on Sunday, 12 February. This was followed by a lively exchange of ideas and views on the topic “Here I am” (in line with 1 Samuel 3: 5). Other topics on the agenda were the Apostle’s upcoming visit to the congregations in Normandy and Britanny—the northern and north-western parts of the country respectively—as well as the introduction of this year’s confirmands. The day ended with a choir practice for everyone.
Lithuania: The New Apostolic Church in Vilnius in Lithuania took part in a joint prayer for Christian unity. Various denominations—Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Free Churches—interceded for Christians around the world. They lit their candles from the flame of the Easter candle, symbolising Jesus Christ—the light come into the world. Bishop Arthur Strelčiūnas represented the New Apostolic Church.
Ghana: Bishop Urs Heininger from Southern Germany has been responsible for seminars for leading ministers in Ghana for a number of years. New is that this task will now go to District Elder Wolfgang Oehler. District Apostle Michael Ehrich himself implemented the changeover on his recent working visit to Ghana, where he introduced District Elder Oehler to the brothers.
Nigeria: And, finally, a brief note on a church dedication in Nigeria. Apostle Effiong Asuquo Ekpenyong and Bishop Ime Udombang came to Ikot Ekong to dedicate a new church and hand it over to the congregation. The ceremony was attended by 250 people. Three members were sealed.