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Acts of blessing

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Acts of blessing

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Gifts are a mission and to be shared

The same talent for everyone and many different talents for each individual: this is the interpretation of a familiar parable taken from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA Sud América Photo: INA […]

July 3, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Where two or three thousand are gathered

A divine service with over 7,000 participants, a concert with around 2,000 performers, and a Church Convention that takes over an entire city. These major events continue to have an impact, whether on a small or large scale or as a catchy tune. Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia […]

May 24, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Developing the liturgy

Some 125 years ago, Chief Apostle Friedrich Krebs ordained two men as Apostles who had already served the still young Church admirably. In addition to the ministry, the two men had things in common that still have an impact today. Photo: Archiv Photo: Archiv Friedrich Wachmann Photo: Archiv Wilhelm Sebastian Photo: Archiv Eliese and Friedrich, […]

May 21, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Helping the Church to function well

How do you take great pictures, how do you read aloud effectively, and how does the intranet work? In recent weeks, organisational matters of the Church were discussed. The objectives were clear. The idea was to offer a well-organised environment so that everyone can live their faith Photo: ENA Guinee Photo: ENA Guinee Photo: ENA […]

April 12, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Imitation is encouraged

Giving others the feeling that they are welcome, getting to know each other better, enjoying one another’s company, and participating: these are the stages of togetherness that New Apostolic young people practise. Here are examples from Europe and Africa. Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAC Southern Africa […]

March 22, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Joy and contemplation in our congregations

‌The period preceding a service for the departed or the season of Lent, which we are currently in, are a good time for contemplation and prayer. ‌‌Many took the time to do so, creating joy for themselves and for others. Here is news from across the globe. Photo: INA España Photo: INA España Photo: ENA […]

March 15, 2024
Acts of blessing

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Apostles underway to encourage and support

The main task of the Apostle ministry is the dispensing of the sacraments and the proclamation of the gospel. But sometimes their work also involves things such as presenting a wheelchair or going for a walk on the beach. Here are a few examples of the kind of support services Apostles offer. Photo: NAC Southern […]

November 24, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Time with God can be fun

Children put on a play and young people came together for discussions. Does that sound like church? Sure, if you can go on a journey with Joseph, start the new school year with God, and explore your faith. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: […]

October 27, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Examining our vow to God

Baptism, Holy Sealing, confirmation … Many of us made our vow to God a long time ago. And that is why it is important to examine ourselves and see where we stand today in terms of the promise we made. The Chief Apostle recently explained in a divine service which vows this applies to and […]

September 6, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Getting to know God better

A plate creates friendships, two dolls explain God … There are various ways for people get to know each other. And sometimes they are even unusual. Over the past few weeks, there were various get-to know-you activities in the environs of the New Apostolic Church. Photo: SCNA Romania Photo: SCNA Romania Photo: SCNA Romania Photo: […]

August 18, 2023
Acts of blessing

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A lifework of reforms

“If we want to preserve what we have, we will have to change many things,” was the guiding principle of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who died ten years ago today on 30 June 2013. Many of the innovations today can be traced back to his initiative. Chief Apostle Richard Fehr during a sermon Photo: heimifoto […]

June 30, 2023
Acts of blessing

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All generations are actively engaged

Not only the ministers and those who have functions in the Church are committed, but members of all ages. Everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: ENA Benin Togo Photo: Photo: […]

June 9, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Eighty years ago: the bombing of Dortmund

The name Magney is well-known in New Apostolic circles in Germany: there were two Apostles with that name. The younger of the two was confirmed by the older one some eighty years ago. And the older Magney died in a bombing raid eighty years ago today. Today we pay tribute to a pioneer. Photo: NAK […]

May 5, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Contemplative, interested, committed

New Apostolic Christians in Germany, Spain, and Guinea learned some very different things on their tours of discovery through history, religion, and responsibility for their own faith. Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: Henry Stankat Photo: INA España Photo: INA España Photo: INA España Photo: ENA Guinee Photo: […]

April 13, 2023
Acts of blessing

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The good being done in the face of devastating loss

Food, school supplies, and even a confirmation suit: in crises large and small, New Apostolic Christians are on hand to help their neighbours. Here is where kindness spoke. Photo: privat Photo: privat Photo: Majd Lahdo Photo: Simon Kisselbach, Andreas Roll Photo: Simon Kisselbach, Andreas Roll Photo: Simon Kisselbach, Andreas Roll Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: […]

February 24, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Young and active

A New Year’s Eve get-together for the little ones, hiking with the confirmands, and countrywide Youth Days: there is always something going on for our young sisters and brothers. Here is what our children and young people around world have been up to over the last weeks. Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC […]

February 3, 2023
Acts of blessing

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Development and teaching in the New Apostolic Church

School is not the only place where one can learn something. One can also do so in church. Tomorrow, 24 January is the International Day of Education. Here are a few examples how the New Apostolic Church is involved in teaching its members. Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Southern […]

January 23, 2023